War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle, 1748, Hulten
c.1748Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper | 30.4 x 39.7 cm (image) | RCIN 731025
The regimental rectangles are coloured according to nationality; the colour scheme is explained in the 'Recapitulation', bottom left.
The General Officers of the First Line are Generals Hildburghausen, Friedrich von Hessen, Aÿlwa, Prætorius, Trips; Lieutenant-Generals Canneburg, Growestin, Botte, Mansbach, Villates, d'Envie, Kintschot, Caminga, Vribergen, Hompesch; Major-Generals Isenburg, Bewerwerth, Bouritius, Henneberg, Baumbach, Diede, Dongen, Spörken, Burmania, Deutz, Zieghers, Widt, Rechteren, Assendelfft.
The General Officers of the Second Line are Generals Burmania, Schwartzenberg; Lieutenant-Generals Schlippenbach, Glinstra, Villegas, Lewe, Maasdam, Hoeuft; Major-Generals Miltitz, Seroskerken, Rivicourt, Neiss, Stammer, Woff, Wuttginau, Croÿe, Prince Stolberg, Majoribanks, Lintelo, Onderwater, Growestin, Eck, Westereenen.
Additional text: [bottom left, in rectangular panel, the numbers of squadrons and battalions of Dutch, Bavarian, Saxe Gotha, Würtzburg, Wolfenbüttel, Hesse Cassell, and Hesse Darmstadt armies:] Recapitulation. [Bottom right, in rectangular panel, the number of artillery pieces of the Dutch, Bavarian, Wolfenbüttel and Hesse Cassell armies:] Artillerie.
Condition: four fold lines. Verso: patches of remains of paste and paper to top and bottom edges, perhaps from a former paper mount.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Army-DutchWatermark: Fleur-de-lys; countermark: C & I HONIG
Mark, stamped: 737
Condition: four fold lines. Verso: patches of remains of paste and paper to top and bottom edges, perhaps from a former paper mount
30.4 x 39.7 cm (image)
32.2 x 41.7 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
Ordre de Battaille de l’Armée Hollandoise, campée sur la Bruÿere de / Hülten. dans la Baronie de Breda le 20me de Maÿ 1748. / [Commanded by] Comte Maurice de Nassau. [top]
Additional text:
[bottom left, in rectangular panel, the numbers of squadrons and battalions of Dutch, Bavarian, Saxe Gotha, Würtzburg, Wolfenbüttel, Hesse Cassell, and Hesse Darmstadt armies:] Recapitulation. [Bottom right, in rectangular panel, the number of artillery pieces of the Dutch, Bavarian, Wolfenbüttel and Hesse Cassell armies:] Artillerie.
George III heading: Order of Battle near Breda 20 May 1748.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil, crossed out and illegible.] (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil:] 59. [centre, red pencil:] 60.
George III catalogue entry:
Order of Battle Ordre de Bataille de l’Armée Hollandoise sous le Comte Maurice de Nassau campée sur la Bruyere de Hulten dans la Baronie de Breda le 20 Mai 1748. MS. [The same entry appears under the heading Breda.]
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version