War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle in Schilde, 1747 (Schilde, Flanders, Belgium) 51°14'27"N 04°35'00"E
1747 or laterPen, ink and watercolour on vellum | 13.5 x 27.0 cm (image and neatline) | RCIN 730113
The regimental rectangles are coloured according to uniform. The General Officers of the First Line are Marshals Waldeck and Bathiany; Generals Ligonier, Sommerfeldt, Hildbourghousen, Daun, Palffy; Lieutenant-Generals Hawley, Albemarle, Druchtleben, Prince Frederic, La Lippe, Tornacco, Mercy, Phillibert; Major-Generals Hammerstein, Yssenburg, Klinckowstrom, Wolffe, Zweebel, Leuwe, Villates, Arenberg, Bethlen, Uivary, Sincere, Puebla, Walbrun, Bournonville, Bentheim; Brigadiers Bligh, Wreden, Douglas, Price, Block, Borch, Rode, Grotenrai, Eversleu.
The General Officers of the Second Line are General Gaisruck, Lieutenant-Generals Dalwigh, Mansbach, Smissaert, Schwartzenberg, Grüne, Holly; Major-Generals Bland, Montigni, Howard, Zastrow, D'Envie, Glinstra, Lindtman, Wied, Haller, D'Arberg, Durlach, Winckelman, Puckou; Brigadiers Adelepsen, Houghton, Mordaunt, Sporcken, Elias, Sturler.
The Artillery is placed between the second and third line. The General Officers of the Third Line (Dutch cavalry) are Lieutenant-General Coenders; Major-Generals Cannenburg, Hompesch, Matha, Schaack; Brigadiers Vrybergen, Schlippenbach, Schagen, Hoeuft van Ooyen.
The reserve is commanded by General the Prince of Wolffenbuttel; Lieutenant-General Kollowrath; Major-Generals Lillers, Elverfeld, Radicatti.
Additional text: [bottom left, a summary of the total numbers of Imperial, British, Hanoverian, Hessian, Dutch and Bavarian battalions, squadrons of the first and second lines and the reserve, and the numbers of general officers.] [Bottom right, a summary of the numbers of pieces of field artillery of each nation.]
Condition: no fold lines.
John Anderson (active 1747-8) (draughtsman) [bottom right:] John Anderson / Serjt in The Rt / Hon:ble Col: Lord / G: Beauclercks / Regim:t of Foot / and Captain / Wm Master's / Company.
Army-HesseArmy-BavarianPrince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (1721-65)House of HanoverArmy-GBArmy-AustriaArmy-HanoverArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: N/A
Mark, stamped: 606
Condition: no fold lines
13.5 x 27.0 cm (image and neatline)
15.4 x 28.7 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
ORDER of BATTLE of the ALLIED ARMY in Schilde Camp near ANTWERP 22d May 1747. / [under the orders of] Cap.t Gen.l His Royal Highness WILLIAM Duke of Cumberland. [top]
Additional text:
[bottom left, a summary of the total numbers of Imperial, British, Hanoverian, Hessian, Dutch and Bavarian battalions, squadrons of the first and second lines and the reserve, and the numbers of general officers.] [Bottom right, a summary of the numbers of pieces of field artillery of each nation.]
George III heading: Order of Battle at Schilde 22 May 1747.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top right, black pencil:] 1747; [bottom left, black pencil, erased:] XIII/26.
George III catalogue:
Order of Battle Order of Battle of the Allied Army in Schilde Camp near Antwerp under the command of the Duke of Cumberland, 22.d May 1747: by Serj.t John Anderson. drawn on vellum.
Schilde (Flanders, Belgium) 51°14'27"N 04°35'00"E
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version