War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle of Allied army at Hanau, 1743 (Hanau am Main, Hesse, Germany) 50"08'00"N 08"55'00"E
1748Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on vellum | 13.2 x 27.0 cm (image) | RCIN 728105
The draughtsman of this order of battle, John Anderson, was a serjeant in Lord George Beauclerk's Regiment of Foot, which was the 19th, subsequently the Green Howards, and Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment. Lieutenant-General Lord George Beauclerk was the colonel of the regiment from 15 March 1748 to 25 May 1768. (Leslie, 1974, p.61.)
The order of battle is in two lines with the artillery and the Corps de Reserve in the rear. The regimental rectangles are coloured according to the coat colours.
The General Officers of the First Line are: Marshals Prince George of Hesse, Count Neuperg, Duke d'Ahremberg, Earl of Stair; Generals Pointpietin, Prince of Waldeck, Diemar, Honywood; Lieutenant-Generals Sommerfeldt, Ilten, Wolffenbuttel, Chanclos, Earl of Dunmore, Courriere, Graffendorf, Ligonier, Campbell; Major-Generals Pauli, Launay, Soubiron, Brandt, Earl of Rothes, Earl of Albemarle; Brigadiers Montigni, Zastrow, Middachten, Klinckowstrom, Howard, Onslow, Marlborro'.
The General Officers of the Second Line are General Wendt; Lieutenant-Generals Druchtleben, Prince Salm, Duke of Cumberland, Hawley, Cope; Major-Generals Hammerstein, Monroy, Prince Frederic, Holly; Brigadiers Grote, Maider, Schullenberg, Huske, Pulteney.
The ‘Abstract of the Army’ gives a total of 79 squadrons and 61 battalions for the combined British, Austrian, Hanoverian and Hessian armies with a total of 41 General Officers.
Additional text: [bottom left, in rectangular panel, a summary of the number of squadrons and battalions in the British, Austrian, Hanoverian and Hessian forces:] Abstract of the Whole Army.
Condition: no fold lines.
John Anderson (active 1747-8) (draughtsman) [bottom right:] John Anderson Serj:t / in the Rt Honble Collo / Lord G: Beauclercks / Regiment of Foot & / Capt Wm Master’s / Company quarter’d at / Sevenbergen 27 Nov:r / 1748 O S. [i.e. 8 December 1748.]
Army-GBArmy-AustriaGeorge II, King of Great Britain (1683-1760)Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: Not applicable
Mark, stamped: 331
Condition: no fold lines.
13.3 x 26.6 cm (neatline)
13.2 x 27.0 cm (image)
15.5 x 28.7 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
Order of Battle of the ALLIED ARMY in Hanau Camp near FRANCFORT 28:th June MDCCXLIII / [commanded by] His Majesty KING GEORGE IId of Great Brittain. [top]
Additional text:
Abstract of the Whole Army. [bottom left, in rectangular panel, a summary of the number of squadrons and battalions in the British, Austrian, Hanoverian and Hessian forces]
George III heading: Order of Battle at Hanau 28 June 1743.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil:] 31; [bottom left, black pencil:] V/8. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil: an illegible mark.]
George III catalogue entry:
Order of Battle Order of Battle of the Allied Army commanded by H.M. the King of Great Britain in Hanau Camp near Francfort, 28 June 1743: by Serj.t John Anderson, 1748. drawn on vellum.
Hanau am Main, Hesse, Germany (50"08'00"N 08"55'00"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version