War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle of the Allied and Dutch army at Roermond, Hellenrouck and Breda, 1748
c.1748Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; pricking through | 45.7 x 70.1 cm (neatline) | RCIN 731016
An order of battle of the Allied army under the command of the Duke of Cumberland, at Hellenrouck, near Roermond, 25 April 1748, and of the Dutch army under the command of Count Maurice of Nassau, 10 May 1748. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48).
The attribution to Hancko is made on stylistic grounds. A map of the Dutch encampment at Hulten is at RCIN 731010. Maps of the encampments of the Allied army at Hellenrouck near Roermond are at RCINs 731009-731015.
The regimental rectangles of this elaborately designed order of battle are coloured according to the different elements of the regimental uniform: 1) Facings (‘Parament’ i.e. parement); 2) Jerkin or tight fitting jacket (‘jout au corps’, i.e. justaucorps; 3) short jacket or coat (‘veste’); 4) sash (‘escharpes’ i.e. écharpes).
The General Officers of the First Line are Generals Ligonier, Somerfeldt, Daun, Chanclos, Carl Palfÿ; Lieutenant-Generals Hawleÿ, Hamerstein, Albermarle, Huske, Druchtleben, Zastraw, Collowrath, Grüne, Philibert; Major-Generals Bligh, Wrede, Poullet, Torrinton, Block, Borch, d'Arberg, Sincere, Walbrun, Bournoville, Bucco, Bentheim.
The General Officers of the Second Line are General Gaisroug; Lieutenant-Generals Crawfurd, Montignÿ, Howard, Klinkonstrom, Lutzanÿ, Holly; Major-Generals Bliegh, Adelebsen, Fouxe, Mordant, Spöercken, Bourghausen, Uyvarÿ, Wnickelman, Radicati, Spada. Artillery under the command of Lieutenant-General Barongi.
The General Officers of the First Line of the Dutch Army, under the command of Count Maurice of Nassau are Generals Hilbourgshausen, Frederich von Hessen, Ailwa, Prætonius Caninga, Trips; Lieutenant-Generals Caneburg, Growestein, Botte, Mansbach, Villates, d'Euvie, Kinscoth, Vrÿbergen, Hompesch; Major-Generals Isenburg, Bewerverth, Bouritius, Heneberg, Baumbach, Diede, Dougen, Spöerken, Burmania, Deutzzegers, Comte Widt, Rechteren, Assendelft.
The General Officers of the Second Line of the Dutch army are Generals Burmania, Schartzenbourg; Lieutenant-Generals Schlippenbach, Gtinstra, Maasdam, Heuft; Major-Generals Miltiz, Spoercken, Revicourt, Neüss, Stamer, Wolff, Wüttgenau, Croÿe, Prince Stolberg, Majoribancks, Lintelo, Deterwater, Growestein, Eck, Westeerenen, artillery.
? François Hancko (active 1741-8) (draughtsman)
Army-DutchArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Army-BavarianArmy-AustriaArmy-HanoverArmy-GBArmy-HesseWatermark: Fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, the letters WR below; countermark: IV
Mark, stamped: 728
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; heavy surface dirt along right edge
45.7 x 70.1 cm (neatline)
47.1 x 71.7 cm (image)
50.2 x 74.2 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
Ordre de Battaille avec toutes les uniformes de l’Armée Alliée aux Environs de Roermonde Le 25. d’Avril: 1748 / Sous le comandement de Son A: R: Monseigneur Le Duc de Cumberland / Le Marchal Comte de Bathianÿ. [And] Ordre de Bataille avec toutes les uniformes de L’Armée Hollandoise campé Sur la Bruyere de Hulten dans la Baronie de Breda. Le 10me de Maÿ 1748. [top]
Additional text:
[bottom right, an explanation of the colouring of the regimental rectangles according to the colours of the uniforms:] Explication / 1: Les parament / 2: Les jout au Corps / 3: les Vest / 4: Les Escharpes.
George III heading: Order of Battle at Hellenrouck 25 April, and near Breda 10 May 1748.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom, right of centre, red pencil:] 12/19. [bottom, right of centre, black pencil:] XIV/1[4].
George III catalogue entry:
Order of Battle Ordre de Bataille avec tous les Uniformes de l’Armée Alliée commandée par le Duc de Cumberland a Hellenrouck pres de Ruremonde le 25 Avril 1748: et l’Ordre de Bataille avec tous les Uniformes de l’Armée Hollandoise sous le Comte Maurice de Nassau campée sur la Bruyere de Hulten pres de Breda, le 10 Mai 1748. MS.
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3 November 2024
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