War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle of the Allied army at Anstaing, 1744 (Anstaing, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) 50°36'17"N 03°11'26"E
1748Pen, ink and watercolour on vellum | 13.0 x 27.0 cm (image and neatline) | RCIN 729041
The draughtsman of this order of battle, John Anderson was a serjeant in Lord George Beauclerk's Regiment of Foot, which was the 19th, subsequently the Green Howards and Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment. Lieutenant-General Lord George Beauclerk was the colonel of the regiment from 15 March 1748 to 25 May 1768. (Leslie 1974, p.61.)
The General Officers commanding the First Line are Generals Count Maurice of Nassau Commandant of the Dutch, Ginckel, Wendt, Honywood; Lieutenant-Generals Courriere, Pr: Phillipsthal, Vander Duyn, La Rocque, Smissaert, Chanclos, Sommerfeldt, Ligonier, Campbell; Major-Generals Schaack, Hompesch, Brackel, Constant, Rumpht, Lannoy, Arccosti, Middachten, Soubiron, Campbell, Pulteney, Wentworth, Launay, Montigni, E: Albemarle; Brigadiers-General Hoeuft, Schagen, Vrybergen, Salis, Halket, Eversleu, Burmania, V: Leyden, Skelton, Churchill, E: Craufurd, Bland.
The General Officers commanding the Second Line are General Cronstrom; Lieutenant-Generals Coenders, Schwartzenberg, Aylva, Gaisruck, Ilten, Hawley; Major-Generals: Pyzykousky, Sandouvile, Matha, Leuwe, Villates, McHugo, Gemingen, Zastrow, Howard, Onslow, Sinclair, Hammerstein, Grote, E: Rothes; Brigadiers-General: Heust, Schlippenbach, Everstein, Sturler, Elias, Rode v: Heckeren, Boselager, Ingoldsby.
The reserve corps, placed behind the artillery, is commanded by Lieutenant-General Barronyai and Major-General Forgatch.
This was drawn up at Sevenbergen (Zevenbergen) which appears to have been a family seat of Léopold Philippe d'Arenberg, 4th duc d'Arenberg (1690-1754) who was also Baron de Sevenbergen.
Additional text: [bottom left, a summary of the numbers of squadrons and battalions of the British, Hanoverian, Austrian and Dutch troops of the First and Second Lines and the reserve corps, together with the numbers of general officers:] Abstract of the whole Army [bottom right, a summary of the numbers of pieces of artillery and pontoons of the different nations:] Field Artillery.
Condition: perfect condition.
John Anderson (active 1747-8) (draughtsman) [bottom right, in rectangular panel:] John Anderson Serj:t / in The Rt Honble Collo / Lord G: Beauclerck's / Regiment of Foot & / Capt Wm Master's / Company quarter'd at / Sevenbergen 30th Nov:r / 1748 O:S: [i.e. 11 December 1748]
Army-GBArmy-HanoverArmy-AustriaArmy-DutchArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: Not applicable
Mark, stamped: 386
Condition: perfect condition
13.0 x 27.0 cm (image and neatline)
14.9 x 28.7 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
ORDER of BATTLE of the Allied ARMY in Anstain Camp before LISLE 16:th August 1744 / [under the command of] Marshals DUKE D'AREMBERG [and] Field Marshal WADE
Additional text:
Abstract of the whole Army [bottom left, a summary of the numbers of squadrons and battalions of the British, Hanoverian, Austrian and Dutch troops of the First and Second Lines and the reserve corps, together with the numbers of general officers]; Field Artillery. [bottom right, a summary of the numbers of pieces of artillery and pontoons of the different nations]
George III heading: Order of Battle at Anstain 16 Aug.t 1744.
Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom left, black pencil:] VI/28. (Verso) [top left, black pencil:] X/9; [top right, black pencil:] 28.
George III catalogue entry:
Order of Battle Order of Battle of the Allied Army under Marshals D'Aremberg and Wade in Anstain Camp before Lille, the 16.th August 1744: by Serj.t John Anderson, 1748. drawn on vellum. [The same entry appears under the heading Anstain.]
Anstaing, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°36'17"N 03°11'26"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version