War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle of the Allied army at Merelbeke, Ghent and Bellem, 1744
Ordre de Bataille / [of the Allied Army under the command of] Lt Genx Smissaert [and] Chanclos en Chef
1744Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; some pricking through | 30.7 x 18.2 cm (image) | RCIN 729043.a
An order of battle in one line of a detachment of the Allied army under the command of Lieutenant-Generals Smissaert and Chanclos at Bellem, Merelbeke and Ghent, 7-13 September 1744. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48).
The detachment of troops comprises 14 squadrons of horse and 10 battalions of infantry. The General Officers are Major-Generals Rúmpf and Sinclair; Brigadiers: Van Leÿden, Rhode v. Hekeren, H:v: Oÿen.
The order of battle at the camp at Meerlebeck (Merelbeke) was commanded by Lieutenant-General Smissaert, Major-General Rúmpf, and Brigadiers van Leÿden and H:v: Oÿen. The order of battle near Ghent was commanded by Lieutenant-General Chanclos, Major-General Sinclair, and Brigadier Rhode van Hekeren.
A journal of the march, camp, and reconnaissance associated with this action is at RCIN 729043.b.
These two items were formerly stored in a buff-grey rag paper folder, on which the old heading was written; the ink inscription 'No:s 390-391' referring to the stamped numbers on the items is written on the front cover; '(a-b) CMB Nov'86' [i.e. 1986] is written in black pencil in a modern hand on the front cover.
E. van Tiddinga (active 1744) (draughtsman) [bottom right, inside neatline:] E. van Tiddinga [outside neatline:] Sept: 1744.
Watermark: Pro Patria
Mark, stamped: 390
Condition: four fold lines. Verso: some induced discolouration
30.1 x 18.2 cm (neatline)
30.7 x 18.2 cm (image)
31.5 x 19.5 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
Ordre de Bataille / [of the Allied Army under the command of] Lt Genx Smissaert [and] Chanclos en Chef
[bottom, below order of battle, a plan of the Ghent-Bruges canal and a profile of the French defensive works:] Retranchement des François aù Canal de Brúges / a Bellem. Scale: 1:1,660 approx. Scale bar: Echelle de 90 pas pour le plan [44 mm =].
Additional text:
Renvoi. [left of plan, a key, A-H, to the features of the bridgehead, pontoon bridge, redoubts and field artillery, the French camp, and the hedge which obscured the view of the other side]
George III heading: Intrenchment at Bellem and Orders of Battle 7 - 13 Sept.r 1744.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom left, red pencil:] 8/46 [and, black pencil:] X/11; [top left, black pencil, erased:] Order of Battle
George III catalogue entry:
Bellem Plan dessiné du Retranchement des François a Bellem sur le Canal de Bruges; avec les Ordres de Battaile des Troupes sous les Generaux de Chanclos et Smissaert, et un Journal manuscrit des Operations des dites Troupes, depuis le 7 jusqu'au 13 Septembre 1744: par E. van Tiddinga, 1744. [The same entry appears under the heading Order of Battle.]
Merelbeke, Flanders, Belgium (50°59'40"N 03°44'46"E)
Ghent, Flanders, Belgium (51°03'00"N 03°43'00"E;)
Bellem, Flanders, Belgium (51°05'38"N 03°29'34"E)
Page revisions
14 March 2024
Current version