War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle of the Allied army in Flanders, 1744
1744 or laterPencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper | 18.5 x 29.9 cm (image and neatline) | RCIN 729016
The following General Officers of the First Line are: Generals Nassau, Wendt, Honÿwood; Lieutenant-Generals Couriere, Coinders, Schwartzenberg, Chanclos, Sommerfeld, Ligonier, Campbel; Major-Generals Hompesch, Constant, Lanois, Middachten, Soubiron, Campbel, Pultneÿ, Wendworth, Launay, Montigni, Albemarle; Brigadiers H.v. Oÿen, Vrÿbergen, Salis, Sckelton, Crauforth [i.e. Crawford], Bland.
The General Officers of the Second Line are: General Cronstrom; Lieutenant-Generals Geisrück, Ilten, Hawleÿ; Major-Generals Pschivffskÿ, Schack, Lewe, MacHugo, Zastrow, Howard, Onslow, St Clair, Hammerstein, Grothe, Rothes; Brigadiers Schlippenbach, Burmania, Böselager, Ingolsbÿ, Churchil.
The Reserve, behind the park of artillery, is commanded by Major-General Forgatsch.
Additional text: [bottom left, a summary of the British, Dutch, Hanoverian and Austrian troops; bottom right, a summary of the British, Hanoverian, Dutch and Austrian field artillery.]
Condition: no fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration.
Anonymous (draughtsman)
Army-GBArmy-HanoverArmy-AustriaArmy-DutchArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: Pro Patria
Mark, stamped: 363
Condition: no fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration
18.5 x 29.9 cm (image and neatline)
20.0 x 31.5 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
Ordre de Battaille de L'Armee des Alliés en Flandre 1744 au Mois de Juin / [under the command of:] Marechaux d'Arenberg [and] Wade.
Additional text:
[bottom left, a summary of the British, Dutch, Hanoverian and Austrian troops; bottom right, a summary of the British, Hanoverian, Dutch and Austrian field artillery.]
George III heading: Order of Battle June 1744.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top left, red pencil:] 8/24; [top left, black pencil, erased:] IX/74-1.
George III catalogue entry:
Order of Battle Ordre de Bataille de l'Armée des Alliés en Flandre sous les Marechaux d'Arenberg et Wade, au mois de Juin 1744. MS.
Flanders [Belgium]
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version