War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Rhine River and Breisach, 1743
CARTE / Des OPERATIONS sur le Rhin, / de l'Armée de Sa Majesté la Reine d'Hongrie / et de Boheme, aux Ordres de Son Altesse...
1743 or laterPencil, pen, ink and watercolour on two sheets of paper, previously joined; laid down on two pieces of linen, stitched together | Scale: 1:65,000 approx. | RCIN 728112.a
A map of the camps and movements of the Allied and French armies along the Rhine in the vicinity of Breisach between 14 August and 4 October 1743. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with west-south-west to top (compass rose).
A detailed topographical map showing camps, field fortifications, bridges, and other crossing points on the Rhine, and the villages to each side of the river. The operations are centred on Brisac Allemande (Breisach am Rhein or Vieux Breisach) and Brisac François (Neuf-Brisach, Alsace, France 48°01'04"N 07°31'40"E). The geographical coverage extends from Marckelsheim (Marckolsheim, Alsace, France 48°09'52"N 07°32'38"E) in the north, to Kirchen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany 47°39'00"N 07°34'00"E) in the south.
The rough draft for the text in the Explanations on the map is at RCIN 728112.b. What appears to be a printed version of this map, published by Peter Schenk II, is at RCIN 728113. Compilation sketches for this map are at RCINs 728123 and 728124.
George Augustus Schultz (active 1734-49) (draughtsman)
Watermark: Horn in crowned shield, a ‘4’ suspending the name L V GERREVINK below
Mark, stamped: 338
Condition: one fold line; brown stains along fold and slight brown staining to edges. Verso: brown staining; induced discoloration
Scale: 1:65,000 approx. Scale bar: Echelle d'une Lieue d'Allemagne [118 mm =].
30.3 x 89.7 cm (neatline)
31.2 x 89.7 cm (image)
34.0 x 91.5 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
CARTE / Des OPERATIONS sur le Rhin, / de l'Armée de Sa Majesté la Reine d'Hongrie / et de Boheme, aux Ordres de Son Altesse le / Prince Charles de Lorraine; Et des MOUVE- / MENS de celle de France faits en consequence / depuis le 14 d'Août jusqu'au 4 d'Oct. de l'Année / 1743. [bottom left, in cartouche representing a trompe l'oeil scroll]
Additional text:
EXPLICATION. [top right, a key, 1-17:] Explication des Mouvemens François. [Bottom right, in cartouche, a key, A-I, K-Z, a-i, k-o, to the locations and movements of the Allied army]
George III heading: Rhine 14 August - 4 Oct.r 1743.
Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom left centre, black pencil:] 40; [top left centre, black pencil:] 48; [top right, black pencil:] 5/24. (Verso) [bottom, left of centre, black pencil, in Schultz's hand?, obscured by linen backing:] 24; [top right, ink or black pencil, obscured by linen backing:] A. C. [?] 1.; [top right, ink, crossed out in red pencil, obscured by white paper strip:] Rhine; [right of old heading, black pencil: the old heading]; [left, centre, ink, cropped:] 17...
George III catalogue entry:
Rhine Carte dessinée des Operations sur le Rhin de l'Armée de S.M. la Reine d'Hongrie et de Boheme aux ordres du Prince Charles de Lorraine; et des Mouvemens de celle de France faits en consequence depuis le 14 d'Aout jusqu'au 4 d'Oct.re 1743: [in red ink:] par M. Schultz. [black ink:] 2 feuilles.
Breisach am Rhein, [Vieux-Brisach] Baden-Württemburg, Germany (48°01'58"N 07°34'58"E)
Page revisions
14 March 2024
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