War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Siege of Bergen op Zoom, 1747
PLAN / Von der Festung Bergen opzoom, und denen Forts in der Obern Linie, wobeÿ insbeson= / dere vorgestellet wird, wie die Frantzosen ihre Attaque vor Selbige vom 14ten Julÿ bis / 16ten Septembr: 1747. (da die...
c.1747Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on two sheets of paper, joined | Scale: not stated. 1:11,600 approx. | RCIN 730146
The town of Bergen op Zoom, fortified by Menno van Coehoorn and garrisoned under the command of General Cronström, was besieged by the French army under the command of Count Löwendahl, from 14 July to 18 September, when the fortified town was taken by the French.
A medium-scale map showing the French trenches and parallels on the south-east side of the town and the forts to the north. Areas of land liable to be flooded at high water are indicated.
Additional text: [top left, below title, in title panel, a descriptive key, a-i, k-t, v-z, 1-21, to the different parts of the fortification and French attacks:] Explication.
Condition: two fold lines; offsetting. Verso: induced discolouration.
J.P. Isenbart (active 1746-8) (draughtsman) [bottom right, inside neatline:] J P Isenbart.
Watermark: Strasburg bend in shield, fleur-de-lys above. Countermark: IV.
Mark, stamped: 639
Condition: two fold lines; offsetting. Verso: induced discolouration
Scale: not stated. 1:11,600 approx.
41.0 x 83.5 cm (image and neatline)
44.6 x 83.5 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
PLAN / Von der Festung Bergen opzoom, und denen Forts in der Obern Linie, wobeÿ insbeson= / dere vorgestellet wird, wie die Frantzosen ihre Attaque vor Selbige vom 14ten Julÿ bis / 16ten Septembr: 1747. (da die Festung pr. Surprise übergangen) geführet haben. [top left, in rectangular panel]
Additional text:
[top left, below title, in title panel, a descriptive key, a-i, k-t, v-z, 1-21, to the different parts of the fortification and French attacks:] Explication.
George III heading: Bergen op Zoom 14 July - 16 Sept.r 1747.
Other inscriptions: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top right, black pencil:] 4. [bottom, right of centre, black pencil:] Bergen op Zoom 1747. [bottom, below old heading, black pencil, partly erased:] XIII/60.
George III catalogue entry:
Bergen op Zoom Plan von der Festung Bergen op Zoom und denen Forts in der Obern Linie, wobey in besondere vorgestellt wird, wie die Frantzosen ihre Attaque vor selbige vom 14 July bis 16 Set.r 1747, da die Festung per surprise ubergangen gefuhret haben: von J.P. Isenbart. drawn.
Bergen op Zoom, North Brabant, Netherlands (51°29'42"N 04°17'30"E)
Page revisions
14 March 2024
Current version