War of the Polish Succession (1733-8)
The Rhine and Moselle rivers and parts of Italy
Map of encampments near Mantua, 1735 (Mantova, Lombardy, Italy) 45°09'37"N 10°47'52"E
1735 or laterEtching and engraving; printed on paper; hand-coloured; manuscript annotations | Scale: 1:80,500 approx. | RCIN 727068
The French (‘les Ennemis’) are shown in blue, the Imperial army is in yellow, and the detachments from the Imperial army are in red. The eight locations of the retiring Imperial army (in order of the retreat) are Marmirole (Marmirolo 45°13ʹ90ʺN 10°45ʹ22ʺE), Castel Mantouan (Castiglione Mantovano east of Roverbella), Roverabela (Roverbella 45°16ʹ05ʺN 10°46ʹ08ʺE), Villa Franca (Villafranca di Verona 45°21ʹ09ʺN 10°50ʹ25ʺE) and Gherla, Gussolengo Bussolengo 45°28ʹ09ʺN 10°51ʹ02ʺE), (where the army was joined by the detachment from Vallegio, 45°21ʹ08ʺN 10°44ʹ12ʺE), Campora, Rivolo (Rivoli Veronese 45°34ʹ21ʺN 10°48ʹ42ʺE) where the detachment from Bussolengo having previously turned to face the French at Pastrengo rejoined the army, and lastly by the River Adige where the army camped in half companies.
The French are shown encamped at Goito (45°15ʹ18ʺN 10°40ʹ19ʺE) from where a large detachment, commanded by Panase went to Vallegio while the Imperial army retreated to encamp at Bussolengo. This may be the same detachment which is listed in the order of battle at RCIN 727067.b. The locations of other detachments from both armies, and their encounters, are also shown on the map.
Additional text: [top left, below title, in title cartouche, a note on the colours used to distinguish the troops, and the locations of the eight camps of the Imperial army:] Remarques.
Condition: one fold line; considerable surface dirt, especially along the bottom edge; brown spots and discolouration; left of centre, a small remnant of paper, perhaps from the removal of a label.
Rebay (active 1735) (draughtsman) [top left, bottom centre of cartouche, in ink:] Par De Rebay
Army-FranceArmy-AustriaArmy-SpainWatermark: None visible on map. On white paper strip on verso: L V G.
Mark, stamped: 254
Condition: one fold line; considerable surface dirt, especially along the bottom edge; brown spots and discolouration; left of centre, a small remnant of paper, perhaps from the removal of a label
Scale: 1:80,500 approx. Scale bar: Echelle de 4 Miles d’Italie du Veronois [92 mm =].
75.6 x 42.1 cm (neatline)
76.4 x 42.9 cm (image)
cropped (platemark)
79.6 x 45.7 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
CARTE / d’une Partie du Mantouan, du Veronoise, et des / Campamens de l’Armée Imperiale. Consistante en 18 / mille hommes, Sous le Comandement de Son Excelz, / Monsieur le Marechal Comte de Königseck, en Sere = / tirant du Mantouan en Tÿrol, par les defiles des Mon = / tagnes entre le lac de Garde, et la Riviere d’Adige, / que les Ennemis avancans par deux Cotés n’ont pu em = / pechér. dont le Prince d’Hilbourgshausen Com[m]andoit, un / detachement Composé de Croates, et de Cavalerie, pour / Servir d’arriere Garde, et amuser Les Enemis, au Mois de Juin 1735.
Additional text:
Remarques. [top left, below title, in title cartouche, a note on the colours used to distinguish the troops, and the locations of the eight camps of the Imperial army]
George III heading: Encampments near Mantua in June 1735.
Other annotations: (Recto) [several ink annotations, particularly at the French camp at Volta and the Imperial camp at Pallozuolla. South of Mantua the first ‘T’ in the engraved word ‘INONTATION’ has been altered in ink to a ‘D’; the words ‘du Veronois’ have been added in ink to the scale bar.] (Verso) [right centre, red pencil, partly obscured by white label:] 51 [and, black pencil:] 67; [bottom left, obscured by linen backing, ink:] Carte / [?] de Mantua.
George III catalogue entry:
Mantua Carte d’une partie du Mantouan et du Veronese, avec les Campemens de l’Armée Imperiale sous le Marechal de Konigseck au mois de Juin 1735, par de Rebaur. [The same entry appears under the heading Encampment.]
Mantova, Lombardy, Italy (45°09'37"N 10°47'52"E)