War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)
Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
Map of the Battle of Malplaquet, 1709 (Malplaquet, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) 50°19'11"N 03°51'56"E
published 1709Etching and engraving; map and order of battle together each printed from separate copperplates on separate sheets of paper, joined; hand-coloured; letterpress text is printed on four pieces of paper, two to each language; all six pieces of map, order of battle and text mounted as one sheet; laid down on linen; edged with cerise silk ribbon; two pink linen ties to top edge; a brass ring for hanging missing from each of the top corners. | Scale: not stated. 1:24,000 approx. | RCIN 726031
The map covers an area extending from Gognie (Gognies-Chaussée, 50°20'17"N 03°56'39"E) in the north-east to Longeville (La Longueville 50°17'21"N 03°51'25"E) and Taisniere (Taisnières-sur-Hon 50°19'12"N 03°50'05"E) in the south-west. The map shows the diffferent positions of the armies during and after the battle.
A vignette, bottom left, shows an obelisk rising from a base embellished with standards, shields, a breastplate, at the foot of which sit an angel wielding a sword and the seated figure of Athena, Godess of War, whose left arm cradles a portrait of Marlborough with a portrait of Eugène of Savoy above, and, presumably, Claude-Frédérick t'Serclaes van Tilly (1648-1723), the Dutch general, below.
Dedication: [in cartouche below map:] a la Gloire Immortelle / des Illustres Princes et Heros / S.A.S. LE PRINCE EUGENE DE SAVOYE &c. / S.A. LE DUC DE MARLBOROUGH &c. / S.E. LE COMTE DE TILLY &c. / Ce Plan de L'Importante et Glorieuse Battaille / de Blangies, donnée le 11. Septembre 1709. / est humblement offert et dedié par / Anna Beek.
Inset: [below map:] Ordre de Battaille de L'Armée de S.A. Monseig.r le Prince et Duc de Marlborough Capit.e General de Sa Majte Brittannique.
Additional text: [to each side of the map, letterpress account of the battle in French and Dutch.]
Condition: three fold lines; creased; foxing. Verso: foxing; heavy surface dirt along top edge consistent with the map having been rolled and tied.
Anna Beek (25 November 1657-October 1717) (cartographer and publisher) [bottom left, below French text:] A LA HAYE, / Chez ANNA BEECK, Marchande de Cartes dans la ruë de la Cour. [bottom right, below Dutch text:] IN 'SGAVENHAGE, / By ANNA BEECK, Kaartverkoopster in de Hof-straat. 1709; [bottom, centre, below order of battle:] A la Haye Chez Anna Beek / avec Privilege.
Eugene, Duke of Savoy-Carignan (1663-1736) (dedicatee)
John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722) (dedicatee)
Claude-Frédérick t'Serclaes, Count of Tilly (July 1648-10 April 1723) (dedicatee)
Army-HollandArmy-GBArmy-FranceArmy-Allied army (War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714)Army-PrussiaArmy-AustriaWatermark: None visible
Condition: three fold lines; creased; foxing. Verso: foxing; heavy surface dirt along top edge consistent with the map having been rolled and tied
Scale: not stated. 1:24,000 approx.
75.8 x 93.3 cm (image)
49.9 x 58.7 cm (neatline of map)
25.4 x 58.9 cm (neatline of order of battle)
79.5 x 100.0 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
RELATION / De la Battaille / Entre l'Armée des / HAUTS ALLIES, / Commandée par le Prince & Duc Marlbouroug, & par / le Prince Eugene: & celle de France commandée / par les Marechaux de France de Villars / & de Bouflers. / Près de MONS le 11. Septembre 1709. // RELAAS / Van de Battaille / Tusschen de Legers van de / HOOGE GEALLIEERDEN / Onder 't bestier van de Heeren Hertog van Marlbourough, en / den Prins Eugenius van Savoyen, tegen het sterkverschanste / Leger van den Koning van Vrankrijk, onder het Com- / mando van de Marchals de Villars en Bouflers. / Voorgevallen tusschen Bla'vignie en Longeville, by Blaugies en Malplaquet, / in 't Graafschap Henegouwen, den 11. September 1709. [letterpress, in French and Dutch, top left and right sides of map]
[in cartouche below map:] a la Gloire Immortelle / des Illustres Princes et Heros / S.A.S. LE PRINCE EUGENE DE SAVOYE &c. / S.A. LE DUC DE MARLBOROUGH &c. / S.E. LE COMTE DE TILLY &c. / Ce Plan de L'Importante et Glorieuse Battaille / de Blangies, donnée le 11. Septembre 1709. / est humblement offert et dedié par / Anna Beek.
Inset:[below map:] Ordre de Battaille de L'Armée de S.A. Monseig.r le Prince et Duc de Marlborough Capit.e General de Sa Majte Brittannique.
Additional text:[to each side of the map, letterpress account of the battle in French and Dutch.]
George III heading [black pencil:] Malplaquet 1709.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil:] VI/31 Military; [top left, black pencil:] 81. (Verso) [left of centre, blue biro on a 1980s red-printed Royal Library label:] VI 31; [top right, ink, in Mason's hand? on a contemporary label:] II [rest cropped and obscured by edging]; [right of centre, ink or black pencil:] C
K. Mil. dummy sheet:
Title [ink:] Plan de la Bataille entre l'Armée des Hauts Alliés, commandée par le Duc de Marlborough / et le Prince Eugene; et celle de France, commandée par les Marechaux de Villars et de Boufflers. près / de Mons, le 11e de Sept.re 1709 - avec un Plan de l'ordre de Bataille et une Relation - chez Anna Beek / 1709 / A Roll ..... [black pencil:] 5 Table 2d / [George III heading at foot of sheets:] Plan and Order of the Battle of Malplaquet 11 Sept.r 1709.
Watermark: crown above fleur-de-lys in shield, the scrolled letters B&W below.
Size: 47.0 x 32.7 cm (sheet).George III catalogue entry:
Malplaquet Plan de la Bataille entre l'Armée des Hauts Alliés commandée par le Duc de Marlborough et le Prince Eugene; et celle de France commandée par les Marechaux de Villars et de Boufflers, pres de Mons, le 11 de Sept.re 1709: avec un Plan de l'Ordre de Bataille et une Relation: chez Anna Beek, 1709.
Malplaquet, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°19'11"N 03°51'56"E)