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War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)

Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands


Plan of Landau, 1704 (Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) 49°11'54"N 08°07'00"E

1704 or later

Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper | Scale: 1:3,000 approx. | RCIN 725041

A plan of the fortifications of Landau showing the siegeworks and breaches made by the Allied army, commanded by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736, between 9 September and 26 November 1704, when the French garrisons, commanded by Lieutenant-General Yrieix Masgonthier de Laubanie (1641-1706) surrendered. War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). Oriented with west to top.

Landau had been fortified by Vauban between 1688 and 1699. This large-scale plan shows in detail the extent of the approach works and breaches made by the Allied army attacks. Damp ground immediately surrounding the fortress, and in the river valleys, is represented by short horizontal lines with upward strokes representing tussocky grass. Agricultural land is shown by parallel brown lines; sunken roads are bordered by hachures indicating the slope of the ground.

This plan has been removed from a volume, made about 1719 or later, of manuscript maps and plans of sieges. Other maps, perhaps in a different hand but, apparently from the same volume, are scattered throughout the collection: RCINs [724061], [724090], 725007, 725009, 725011, 725013, 725021, 725023, 725027, 725030, 725032, [725044], 725045, 725047, [725055], 725074, 725087, 725098, 726007, 726014, 726022, 726041, 726045, 726053, 726065, 726073, 726080, 726086, 726090, 727004, 727007, 727011, 727013, 727014.

Additional text: [below title, a key, A-F, to the town, castle, magazines, royal lodgings or redoubt, the attack and the commandant's garden.]

Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; remains of guard; four gilt edges.
  • Anonymous (cartographer)


    Army-Allied army (War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714)
  • Watermark: Fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, a ‘4’ suspending the initials WR below; countermark: IV

    Mark, stamped: 81

    Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; remains of guard; four gilt edges

  • Scale: 1:3,000 approx. Scale bar: mastab zu den PLAN. [75 mm =] 120 Toises.

    49.3 x 70.0 cm (neatline)

    50.4 x 71.2 cm (image)

    52.7 x 73.9 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    PLAN von LANDAU / Nebst der Allirten attaque I704. [bottom right]

    Additional text:

    [below title, a key, A-F, to the town, castle, magazines, royal lodgings or redoubt, the attack and the commandant's garden.]


    George III heading: Landau invested by the Allies 12 Sept.r and taken 26 Nov.r 1704.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, ink:] 107. (Verso) [top right, ink:] 107; [top right, red pencil:] 1704; [bottom, right of centre, red pencil:] 4/53; [bottom, rigth of centre, black pencil, faint:] [?V/IV].

    George III catalogue entry:

    Landau Plan van Landau nebst der Allirten Attaque, 1704. drawn.

  • Subject(s)

    Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (49°11'54"N 08°07'00"E)