War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)
Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
Plan of the siege of Le Quesnoy, 1712 (Le Quesnoy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) 50°14'52"N 03°38'11"E
1712 or laterPencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; gilt edges top and bottom | Scale: 1:10,500 approx. | RCIN 726080
The dates of the siege are taken from Ostwald (2007), p.343.
The fortifications are shown in detail, together with the attacks of the Imperial army, conducted by the Dutch engineer Sas V den Bos (Zas van den Bosch), and that of the Dutch army, conducted by the Dutch engineer Christiaan Frederik Hertel.
This map has been removed from a volume, made about 1719 or later, of manuscript maps and plans of sieges. Other maps, perhaps in a different hand but, apparently from the same volume, are scattered throughout the collection: RCINs [724061], [724090], 725007, 725009, 725011, 725013, 725021, 725023, 725027, 725030, 725032, 725041, [725044], 725045, 725047, [725055], 725074, 725087, 725098, 726007, 726014, 726022, 726041, 726045, 726053, 726065, 726073, 726086, 726090, 727004, 727007, 727011, 727013, 727014.
Additional text: [bottom, below map, in rectangular panel, a key, A-C, E-I, K-P, to buildings in the town, fortifications, and the Imperial (Austrian) attack under the direction of the Dutch engineer Zas van den Bosch, and the Dutch attack under the direction of the Dutch engineer Bruijn.]
Condition: no fold lines. Verso: remains of guard.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Army-AustriaArmy-DutchArmy-Allied army (War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714)Watermark: Fleur-de-lys in shield, crown above, the figure ‘4’ suspending the letters WR below
Mark, stamped: 148
Condition: no fold lines. Verso: remains of guard
Scale: 1:10,500 approx. Scale bar: Maastab von 600 Ruthen Reinlandische Maas [216 mm =].
34.6 x 34.0 cm (neatline)
47.9 x 34.0 cm (image)
52.8 x 36.7 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
PLAN der vestung Quesnoÿ sambt der Attaque von Anno 1712. [bottom, below map]
George III heading: Quesnoy 8 June - 4 July 1712.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, ink:] 83. (Verso) [bottom left, red pencil:] 5/88; [bottom left, black pencil, partly illegible:] VI/80.
Additional text:
[bottom, below map, in rectangular panel, a key, A-C, E-I, K-P, to buildings in the town, fortifications, and the Imperial (Austrian) attack under the direction of the Dutch engineer Zas van den Bosch, and the Dutch attack under the direction of the Dutch engineer Bruijn.]
George III catalogue entry:
Quesnoy Plan der Vestung Quesnoy sambt der Attaque von anno 1712. drawn.
Le Quesnoy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°14'52"N 03°38'11"E)