War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)
Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
Plan of the siege of Le Quesnoy, 1712 (Le Quesnoy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) 50°14'52"N 03°38'11"E
published 1712Etched and engraved map and letterpress text printed on the same sheet of paper. | Scale: not stated. 1:26,000 approx. | RCIN 726078
The dates of the siege are taken from Ostwald (2007), p.343.
The map shows the Allied lines of circumvallation, the attacks and positions of the encamped army and local topography. The area covered extends from Vilerpaul (Villers-Pol 50°17'04"N 03°36'52"E) in the top left corner to Villerrau (Villereau 50°15'21"N 03°39'52"E) in the top right corner, and from Ruesne (Ruesnes 50°15'31"N 03°35'01"E) at the bottom left corner to Gesignies (Ghissignies 50°13'37"N 03°36'57"N) and Louvignies (Louvignies-Quesnoy 50°13'26"N 03°38'31"E) in the bottom right corner.
Dedication: [bottom right, below a representation of what appears to be the Fagel coat of arms, surrounded by flags:] Dedié A. S. Ex.ce M:r le General Baron / de Fagel par son tres humble serviteur / Eugene Henry Fricx.
Additional text: [right, down right side of map, a key, A-I, L-T, V-Z, to named parts of the fortifications, the lines of both armies, and the quarters of the Allied general officers and, 1-44, to named regiments, together with the number of battalions or squadrons in each.]
Condition: one fold line; what appears to be an impression from an un-inked copperplate can be seen, top left. Verso: top left, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
Eugène Henri Fricx (January 1644-18 December 1730) (publisher) [bottom right, letterpress:] A BRUXELLES, / Chez EUGENE HENRY FRICX, Imprimeur de / Sa Majesté. 1712.
General Baron de Fagel (dedicatee)
Army-Allied army (War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714)Watermark: None
Condition: one fold line; what appears to be an impression from an un-inked copperplate can be seen, top left. Verso: top left, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label
Scale: not stated. 1:26,000 approx.
27.8 x 34.0 cm (image of map)
27.7 x 8.6 cm (image of text)
28.4 x 34.4 cm (platemark)
31.2 x 45.6 cm (neatline)
31.2 x 45.6 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
PLAN / DE LA SITUATION / ET / DU SIEGE / DU QUESNOY, / INVESTI / Le 8.me de Juin 1712. par un Détachement de la / grande Armée de 30. Battaillons & 18. Escadrons / commandé par Son Exc.ce le Baron de Fagel : dont / la Garnison se determina de se rendre Prisonnie- / re de Guerre le 4. Juillet de la même année, & / en sortit le matin entre les 7. & 8. heures. [top right, outside map border, letterpress]
[bottom right, below a representation of what appears to be the Fagel coat of arms, surrounded by flags:] Dedié A. S. Ex.ce M:r le General Baron / de Fagel par son tres humble serviteur / Eugene Henry Fricx.
Additional text:[right, down right side of map, a key, A-I, L-T, V-Z, to named parts of the fortifications, the lines of both armies, and the quarters of the Allied general officers and, 1-44, to named regiments, together with the number of battalions or squadrons in each.]
George III heading: Quesnoy 8 June - 4 July 1712.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil:] 118.. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil:] 8 juin 4 juillet Quesnoy 1712; [bottom left, black pencil:] 109; [top left, ink, in Schultz's hand:] D. [followed by a scraped out illegible letter or number] Netherlands 18.; [centre, red pencil:] 109.
George III catalogue entry:
Quesnoy Plan de la Situation et du Siege du Quesnoy investi le 8 de Juin par un Detachment de la grande Armée commandée par le Baron de Fagel et pris le 4 de Juillet 1712: chez Friex, 1712.
Le Quesnoy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°14'52"N 03°38'11"E)
Bibliographic reference(s)
J. Ostwald, Vauban under siege: engineering efficiency and martial vigor in the War of the Spanish Succession, Leiden 2007