War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)
Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
Siege of Béthune, 1710
PLAN DE LA SITUATION DE BETHUNE / avec ses attaques Campemens et Innondations Répresentée dans / l'etat qu Elle étoit lors quand Elle fut assiégée par les Hauts = / Alliéz l'an 1710 sous Comandement des deux...
1710 or laterPencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; laid down on two pieces of coarse linen, stitched together | Scale: 1:27,600 approx. | RCIN 726052
The map shows the two attacks on the fortified walls and the surrounding encamped regiments, all of which are named. General Schulenberg's quarters are shown at Chartreux (La Chartreuse Du Val Saint Es near Gosnay, 50°30'22"N 02°35'20"E) and those of Fagel are in the village of Querery (possibly Le Quesnoy, 50°31'54"N 02°41'10"E) on the Lille road. The surrounding villages are Vaudricourt (50°30'02"N 02°37'30"E), Drouvin (Drouvin-le-Marais 50°20'00"N 23°38'00"E), Verquingel (Verquigneul 50°30'08"N 02°39'58"E), Hinges (50°34'00"N 02°37'17"E), Aublingheim (Oblinghem 50°32'58"N 02°35'59"E), Vendin (Vendin-lès-Béthune 50°32'24"N 02°36'01"E), Chouque (Chocques 50°32'27"N 02°34'19"E).
Additional text: [top left, below title, in title panel, a key, A-G, to the attacks of Generals Schulenberg and Fagel, the flooded area which was sufficiently drained in order to make the attack, another flooded area only partly drained, a canal constructed by General Fagel in order to drain a flooded area, another canal made in order to divert the river, and a great ditch which carried the water for the flooded areas:] Renvoy des Lettres.
Condition: three fold lines; brown stains; foxing; untidily trimmed. Verso: foxing; bottom, right of centre, water-stained patch and shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
Jean Henri Weber (active 1710-11) (surveyor and draughtsman) [top left, following on from title:] levé et designé par I.H. Weber.
Watermark: None visible
Mark, stamped: 137
Condition: three fold lines; brown stains; foxing; untidily trimmed. Verso: foxing; bottom, right of centre, water-stained patch and shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label
Scale: 1:27,600 approx. Scale bar: toises [99 mm = 1400].
41.4 x 59.4 cm (image and neatline)
44.3 x 61.1 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
PLAN DE LA SITUATION DE BETHUNE / avec ses attaques Campemens et Innondations Répresentée dans / l'etat qu Elle étoit lors quand Elle fut assiégée par les Hauts = / Alliéz l'an 1710 sous Comandement des deux Genereaux Schou = / lenbourg, et Fagel investie le 15 me Juin l'attaque de fagel / fut ouverte, la nuit entre le 23 a 24me du dit mois et celle de / Schoulenbourg la nuit entre le 27 a 28me laquele obligea la / Ville á serendre le 28me d'aut 1710. [top left, in rectangular panel]
Additional text:
[top left, below title, in title panel, a key, A-G, to the attacks of Generals Schulenberg and Fagel, the flooded area which was sufficiently drained in order to make the attack, another flooded area only partly drained, a canal constructed by General Fagel in order to drain a flooded area, another canal made in order to divert the river, and a great ditch which carried the water for the flooded areas:] Renvoy des Lettres.
George III heading [on white paper strip pasted to verso:] Bethune 15 July - 28 August 1710.
Other annotations: (Recto) [in margin, left of title panel, the month of ‘Juin’ has been corrected in red ink to ‘Juillet’]; [top left, at end of title, brown ink, the date ‘1710’ has been added in a different hand.] [Top right, black pencil:] 97. (Verso) [top centre, ink, crossed out in black pencil and obscured by linen backing:] 32.; [top right, black pencil:] 97; [top right, black pencil, obscured by linen backing:] C.; [bottom, left of centre, black pencil:] 88; [right centre, red pencil:] 88; [bottom right, black pencil, obscured by linen backing:] Bethune [?] 1710.
George III catalogue entry:
Bethune Plan dessiné de la Situation de Bethune avec ses attaques, campemens et inondations, representée dans l'etat qu'elle étoit quand elle fut assiegée par les Hauts Alliés sous les Generaux Schoulenbourg et Fagel, investie le 15 Juillet et prise le 28 Aout 1710; par I.H. Weber, Ing.r
Béthune, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°32'00"N 02°38'00"E)