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War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)

Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands


Wijnendale, 1708

PLAN / De l’Action entre le Corps des troupes / Alliez Commandé par le G.l Maj.r Webb. / contre l’Armée des François Commandé par / le Comte de la Motte...

published 1711

Etched and engraved map and letterpress text printed on two separate sheets of paper, pasted together | Scale: not stated | RCIN 726010

A map of the action at Wijnendale, fought on 28 September 1708 between Allied troops (British and Dutch), commanded by Major-General John Richmond Webb (1667-1724), and the French, commanded by comte de la Mothe, resulting in an Allied victory. War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). Oriented with south-east? to top.

The Allied troops were protecting a convoy of ammunition which was on its way to reinforce the siege of Lille. The convoy was attacked in an unsuccessful action by the French.

Additional text: [bottom right, in cartouche, a key, A-I, K-O, to the Allied and French positions, various support detachments, etc:] RENVOY. [Letterpress text, giving a detailed account of the action, begins:] Après que les Détachemens envoyez pour / couvrir les Chariots d'Amunition pour le / siege de Lille se furent joints à Tourout / le vingt-septieme de Septembre, les Gene- / raux Webb & Cadogan eurent avis que le / Major Savary du Regiment de Guethem / avoit occupé le poste d'Oudenbroughe ...

For further reading, see:
J.B. Hattendorf, ‘Webb, John Richmond (1667–1724)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008.

Condition: one fold line; a crease line running through both map and text. Verso: bottom, right of centre, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
  • Eugène Henri Fricx (January 1644-18 December 1730) (publisher) [bottom left, below title:] A Bruxelle Chez Eugene Henri Fricx, Ruë de la Madeleine. [bottom, below letterpress text:] A BRUXELLES, Chez EUGENE HENRY FRICX, Imprimeur du Roy. 1711.

    Jacques-Gerard Harrewyn (active 1708-11) (engraver) [bottom right, inside neat line:] JG. Harrewyn f.


    Jacques-Gerard Harrewyn (active 1708-11) (engraver) [[bottom right, inside neat line:] JG. Harrewyn f. ]

    Fricx: Rue de la Magdaleine, Brussels (Eugène Henri Fricx (January 1644-18 December 1730)) (publisher) [[bottom left, below title:] A Bruxelle Chez Eugene Henri Fricx, Ruë de la Madeleine. [bottom, below letterpress text:] A BRUXELLES, Chez EUGENE HENRY FRICX, Imprimeur du Roy. 1711.]

  • Watermark: Map: Amsterdam coat of arms; countermark: BR; text: Amsterdam coat of arms; countermark: indistinct: MARTIN [the N is reversed]

    Condition: one fold line; a crease line running through both map and text. Verso: bottom, right of centre, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label

  • Scale: not stated

    23.9 x 30.1 cm (image and neatline of map)

    24.8 x 31.4 cm (platemark)

    39.2 x 35.2 cm (sheet of map)

    27.3 x 26.0 cm (image of text)

    27.7 x 35.2 cm (sheet of text)

    54.7 x 35.2 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    PLAN / De l’Action entre le Corps des troupes / Alliez Commandé par le G.l Maj.r Webb. / contre l’Armée des François Commandé par / le Comte de la Motte aupres de Wynendale / le 28. Sept.e 1708. [map, below, in cartouche]

    Printed title:

    RELATION / De l’Action qui s’est passée à Wynendale le 28. de Septemb. 1708. entre un / Corps de Troupes des Alliés, commandé par le Major-General Webb, / & l'Armée des François, commandée par le comte de la Motte. [letterpress text below map]

    Additional text:

    [bottom right, in cartouche, a key, A-I, K-O, to the Allied and French positions, various support detachments, etc:] RENVOY. [Letterpress text, giving a detailed account of the action, begins:] Après que les Détachemens envoyez pour / couvrir les Chariots d'Amunition pour le / siege de Lille se furent joints à Tourout / le vingt-septieme de Septembre, les Gene- / raux Webb & Cadogan eurent avis que le / Major Savary du Regiment de Guethem / avoit occupé le poste d'Oudenbroughe ...


    George III heading: Action of Wynendale 28 Sep.r 1708.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, black pencil:] 67. (Verso) [top left, red pencil:] 5/22; [top left, black pencil, cropped:] VI/[?22]; [top right, black pencil:] 67.; [bottom, left of centre, black pencil:] 55; [right centre, red pencil:] 55.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Wynendale Plan de l'Action entre le Corps des Troupes Allieés commandée par le G.l Major Webb, et l'Armée des Francois commandée par le Comte de la Motte, proche de Wynendale, le 28 1708: avec une Relation; chez Friex.

  • Subject(s)

    Wijnendale, Flanders, Belgium (51°05'32"N 03°03'57"E)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    J.B. Hattendorf, ‘Webb, John Richmond (1667–1724)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008.

    C. Koeman, Atlantes neerlandici : bibliography of terrestrial maritime and celestial atlases and pilot books, published in the Netherlands up to 1880, Vol.II, Amsterdam 1967-1971, pp.109-110. Catalogue number Fri 1 (34)

    F. Muller, De Nederlandsche geschiedenis in platen: beredeneerde beschrijving van Nederlandsche historieplaten, zinneprenten en historische kaarten, Vol.II, Amsterdam 1863-1882, pp.16-17, number 3035a/34