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American War of Independence (1775-83)

George III’s maps and views showing the development of the war at home and abroad, from North America to India


Map of New York Island and Fort Knyphausen, 1776 (Fort Washington, New York, USA) 40°51100"N 73°16'08"W

published 1777

Etching and engraving; printed on paper; hand coloured | Scale: 1:20,632 approx. | RCIN 734024

A map of the northern part of New York Island showing Fort Washington/Knyphausen and the Rebel works to the south in November 1776. American War of Independence (1775-83). Oriented with north to top.

Fort Knyphausen, formerly Fort Washington, was renamed by the British after General William Howe ordered Hessian mercenaries, together with other British troops, under the command of Lieutenant General Wilhelm von Knyphausen, to take the fort. This was accomplished on 16 November 1776. The name of the fort has since reverted to Fort Washington.

Additional text: [right, a key, A-D, aaa, to the four attacks on the American lines under the commands of General Knyphausen, Brigadier General Matthews, Lieut.-Colonel Stirling, and Earl Percy.]

Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration.
  • Claude Joseph Sauthier (1736-1802) (surveyor)

    William Faden (1 July 1749-21 March 1836) (publisher) [top left, below title:] Published by Permission of the R.t Hon.ble the COMMISSIONERS of / TRADE & PLANTATIONS, / by W.M FADEN, 1777; [bottom, below edge of border:] London, Published as the Act directs, March 1777, by W.m Faden, Corner of S.t Martins Lane, Charing Cross.


    Army-USA-provincial army
  • Watermark: None

    Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration

  • Scale: 1:20,632 approx. Scale bar: [39 mm = ½ mile].

    46.6 x 25.6 cm (neatline)

    47.5 x 26.0 cm (image)

    47.9 x 27.6 cm (platemark)

    50.9 x 30.7 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    A Topographical MAP of the North Part / OF / NEW YORK ISLAND, / Exhibiting the PLAN of FORT WASHINGTON, / now / FORT KNYPHAUSEN, / With the Rebels Lines to the Southward, / which were Forced by / the Troops under the Command of / THE / R.t Hon.ble EARL PERCY, on the Nov.r 1776, / and Survey’d immediately after by Order of his LORDSHIP, / By CLAUDE JOSEPH SAUTHIER, / To which is added / the Attack made to the North.d by the Hessians. / Survey’d by Order of Lieut.t Gen.l Knyphausen. [top left]

    Additional text:

    [right, a key, A-D, aaa, to the four attacks on the American lines under the commands of General Knyphausen, Brigadier General Matthews, Lieut.-Colonel Stirling, and Earl Percy.]


    George III heading: New York 16 Nov. 1776.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil, cropped:] XVII[/?].

    George III catalogue entry:

    York, New A Topographical Map of the Northern part of New York Island, exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the Rebel Lines to the Southward which were forced by the Troops under the command of Earl Percy on the of Nov.r 1776: to which is added the Attack made to the Northward by the Hessians: by C.I. Sauthier, published by Faden, 1777.

  • Subject(s)

    Fort Washington, New York, USA (40°51100"N 73°16'08"W)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    K. Nebenzahl, A bibliography of printed battle plans of the American Revolution 1775-1795, Chicago and London 1975, no.16, pp.75-6

    K. Nebenzahl and R.D. Higginbotham, Atlas of the American Revolution, Chicago 1974, no.14

    I.N.P. Stokes, The iconography of Manhatten Island, 1498 to 1909, 6 vols, New York 1915-1928, vol.1, pp.355-6

    I.N.P. Stokes and D.C. Haskell, American historical prints, early views of American cities, New York 1932, p.32

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024