Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648)
Contemporary prints and maps of the battles and sieges of the Eighty Years War
Map of Hulst, 1640 (Hulst, Zeeland, Netherlands) 51°16'48"N 04°03'10"E
published 1640Etching and engraving; printed on paper; letterpress text printed on the same sheet of paper; laid down on paper and then mounted on paper (Mount Type B); gilt edge, right | 19.9 x 30.1 cm (image) | RCIN 722162
A high oblique view/map of the failed Dutch attempt, between 1 and 9 July 1640, under Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange (29 January 1584-14 March 1647) to take the Spanish held town of Hulst. Eighty Years War (1568-1648). Oriented with north-north-east to top.
On 1 July 1640, when the French were preparing to lay siege to Arras, the Dutch embarked at Philippine and landed to the north-west of Hulst, shown here in this print. A fierce fight with the Spanish ensued when the Dutch attacked a fort which protected the road to Hulst, presumably the F[ort] Nassaro shown here between the fleet and the town. The Spanish defence was so strong that the Dutch retreated on 9 July (Nimwegen, p.264).
The accompanying letterpress text, which includes a key to the letters on the view, describes the events between 29 June and 10 July when the Prince of Orange, leaving Fort Nassau in flames, moved all his army to Bergen-op-Zoom.
Peter von Brachel (active 1601-1650) (publisher) [bottom centre of text:] Gedruckt zu Cöllen bey Peter von Brachel Anno 1640.
Army-SpainArmy-DutchNavy-DutchWatermark: Map and text: none visible. Backing paper: pear shape containg a cross, crown above, the letters A Ω and M below. Mount: none.
Condition: heavy brown discolouration. Some pressure marks to recto and verso
19.9 x 30.1 cm (image)
cropped (platemark)
19.1 x 30.1 cm (neatline)
37.6 x 30.4 cm (sheet of view and text)
44.7 x 40.4 cm (mount)
Printed title:
Abbildung der Statt Hülst und nechst beÿligenden Schantzen, welche im Iulio von den Stadischen angefochten, aber nicht ermeistert worden. [across top of view/map in rectangular panel]
Printed title:
Newe und warhaffte Abbildung der Statt Hülst im Landt von Waes / Samt der allernechst bey gelegenen Schantzen Redouten und insonderhett des Newlich von dem Printzen von Orangien / darauff gerichten vergeblichen Anschlags und beydersents zwischen Spaniern und Hollendern gehaltenen blutigen Scharmutzels. / Mit Typographischen Characteren A.B.C. &c. Jederman zu besserer Nachrichtung für Augen zeben. [letterpress text]
George III heading: Hulst July 1640.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Hulst Abbildung der Statt Hulst und nechst beyligenden Schantzen welche im Julio 1640 von den Stadischen angefochten aber nicht ermeistert worden: bey Peter von Brachel, 1640. [with a Description]
Hulst, Zeeland, Netherlands (51°16'48"N 04°03'10"E)
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3083
O. van Nimwegen, The Dutch army and the Military Revolutions, 1588-1688, Woodbridge 2010
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version