Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648)
Contemporary prints and maps of the battles and sieges of the Eighty Years War
Siege of Corbie, 1636 (Corbie, Picardie, France) 49°54ʹ32ʺN 02°30ʹ26ʺE
c.1637Letterpress text printed on eight pieces of paper, joined to form three columns of text, all mounted on one sheet of paper (mount Type B) | 41.9 x 9.6 cm (image and sheet of left column) | RCIN 722101.b
Letterpress text accompanying the map of the siege of Corbie, 1636, at RCIN 722101.a. Thirty Years War (1618-1648).
Melchior Tavernier (1594-1665) (publisher) [bottom centre, following on from dedication:] Tres-humble, tres obeïssant & / tres-fidel sujet & seruiteur, / MELCHIOR TAVERNIER.
Army-FranceWatermark: Text: cropped, bunch of grapes with letters in a cartouche and fleur-de-lys above. Mount: cropped and illegible.
Condition: no fold lines; brown discolouration to text. Mount: unevenly trimmed
41.9 x 9.6 cm (image and sheet of left column)
22.8 x 9.6 cm (image and sheet of middle column)
44.9 x 9.6 cm (image and sheet of right column)
45.3 x 34.7 cm (mount)
Printed title:
S’ENSVIT LA TABLE / pour l’intelligence des Lettres & Chiffres / qui sont inserez audit Plan. [keys, A-I, L-R, and 1-38, to the features on the map]
Printed title:
TABLE POVR LA RE- / marque des Lettres cottées à la petite / Planche, de l’attaque particuliere qui a / esté faite du costé de la Porte de l’Image, / comme la plus aduancée, & qui ne se / pouuoit pas bien representer au Plan / general, le lieu y estant trop serré. [another key, A-H, K-O, to the features on the inset]
[centre:] A vostre seule Majesté doiuent estre / consacrez, les Tableaux qui representent / les belles & genereuses actions qui ont / esté faites par elle …
George III heading: Corbie 1635
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil, erased and cropped:] Corbie. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil:] Corbie.
George III catalogue entry:
Corbie Plan de la Ville et Siege de Corbie (reprise par les Francois le 10 de Nov.re 1635 [sic]) par le S.r le Rasle Ing.r chez Tavernier, 1637. 2 feuilles.
Corbie, Picardie, France (49°54ʹ32ʺN 02°30ʹ26ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 2995-2997
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version