Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648)
Contemporary prints and maps of the battles and sieges of the Eighty Years War
Siege of Schenkenschanz, 1635 (Schenkenschanz, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 51°50ʹ09ʺN 06°06ʹ37ʺE
1635 or laterLetterpress text on four pieces of paper, mounted on paper {Mount Type A) | 43.5 x 8.0 cm (sheet of first column) | RCIN 722093.f
Printed text on the siege of Schenkenschanz, 1635. Eighty Years War (1568-1648).
This text appears to be incomplete; it takes the account of the siege down only to 23 October 1635. It does not apply to the map at RCIN 722093.a because it refers to letters, A-E which do not appear on RCIN 722093.a; however, letters A-G do appear on RCIN 722094.
Anonymous (printmaker)
Army-NetherlandsArmy-SpainFrederick Henry, Prince of Orange (1584-1647)Watermark: Text: none. Mount: cropped, figure in shield.
Condition: one fold line; brown discoloration from the ink numbers; paper has been damaged by the acid from the ink
43.5 x 8.0 cm (sheet of first column)
43.6 x 8.0 cm (sheet of second column)
43.4 x 8.1 cm (sheet of third column)
43.0 x 8.0 cm (sheet of fourth column)
54.7 x 40.8 cm (mount)
Printed title:
Nouvelle & parfaicte Carte de la si / tuation du Fort de SCHENCK, / avec l’Assiegement & nouveaux Forts qui / sont aux environs, mesuré & marqué avec / grande diligence par l’expert Ingenieur Iean / Iaques Schort. Comme aussi un Iournal de / ce qui est journellement passé, tant en la / conqueste des Espagnols, qu’au siege entier / des Hauts puissans Seigneurs les Estats des / Provinces Vnies. [at head of first column]
George III heading: Schenken-schantz 1635
Other annotations: (Recto) [top centre, black pencil, erased:] [?] relieved by Prince Maurice 1591. (Verso) [each of the four pieces of paper is numbered separately in ink, perhaps contemporary with dal Pozzo, from 1 to 4]; [right, red pencil:] 1/84; [top right and bottom left, black pencil:] I/88-b.
George III catalogue entry:
Schenken-schantz Carte de la situation du Fort de Schenck et des nouveaux Forts qui sont aux Environs, avec l’Assiegement par le Prince d’Orange en 1635: par I.I. Schort Ing.r 1635. 2 feuilles: avec une Vue du Fort par C.I. Visscher, et un Journal du Siege.
Schenkenschanz, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany (51°50ʹ09ʺN 06°06ʹ37ʺE)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version