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Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648)

Contemporary prints and maps of the battles and sieges of the Eighty Years War


View of Vught and 's-Hertogenbosch, 1600 (Vught, North Brabant, Netherlands) 51°39ʹ12ʺN 05°17ʹ15ʺE; (’s-Hertogenbosch [Bois-Le-Duc], North Brabant, Netherlands) 51°41'57"N 05°18'15"E

1650 or later

Engraving; printed on paper; mounted on paper (Mount Type B?); gilt edges left, top and right | 38.0 x 50.5 cm (image) | RCIN 721093

A view of the cavalry duel between Geraert [Gerard] Abramsz. van Houwelingen (nickname 'Leckerbeetjen' [or gourmand]; c.1560-5 February 1600) and 21 of his men, all in the service of the Spanish Netherlands, and the French Pierre de Breauté and 21 of his men, all in the service of the States General on the heathland near Vucht on 5 February 1600, resulting in the deaths of van Houwelingen and de Breauté. Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648).

This minor encounter which took place to the west of Vught, about a kilometer from 's-Hertogenbosch (seen on the left skyline on this print), was the result of an insult by de Breauté that his horsemen were superior to those of the Spanish forces and, in particular, those of van Houwelingen (who was one of the lieutenants of Antonie Schetz van Grobbendonk, 1564-1641, military governor of 's-Hertogenbosch) who, to defend his honour, challenged de Breauté and his men to a duel. What ensued was a bloody fight to the death which is shown in this print. The combatants are wearing full armour and are mounted, using an arquebus as well as swords. Several weapons are depicted in detail and cavalrymen are firing their guns while mounted, holding them with one hand, the black powder generating a large amount of smoke. The gun is also shown holstered on the side of the horse. The vanquished Geraert Leckerbeetjen is shown lying dead on the ground, while de Breauté is depicted mounting the second of the three horses which he used in the conflict. He later surrendered and was murdered in cold blood.

The Dutch proverb, 'Hooge moet / selde goet' which is prominently engraved in the centre of the text, translates as 'Pride [is] seldom good'. Its up-to-date version is rendered as 'Hoogmoed komt voor de val': ''Pride comes before a fall'. [I am grateful to Kirsten Sierag for providing this information.]

The bloody encounter was the subject of several paintings and prints, all of them after the original painting by Sebastian Vrancx, which was made in 1600 and entitled 'Slag van Leckerbetken', which is in the Koninlijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp (Inv. Nr. 772). Another painting of 'The Death of Geraert Leckerbeetje' by or after Sebastian Vranx is in the collections of the Leeds Museums and Galleries at Temple Newsam House. A discussion and list of the different prints and paintings, as well as an account of the battle, is given by van Eekelen (2009).

  • After Sebastiaen Vrancx (1573-1647) (artist) [bottom of view:] Sebastiaen Vranx invent

    Hugo Allard the Elder (1627-84) (publisher) centre of text, below ‘Selde Goet’:] Hugo Allert Excudit.

  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: one fold line; Mount Type B but no burnishing of edges. Verso: several very small brown spots; a black ink smudge; pressure marks from the mounts of items which were kept above and below this print in a different collection are present on the recto and verso.

  • 34.7 x 50.5 cm (neatline)

    38.0 x 50.5 cm (image)

    38.3 x 51.7 cm (sheet)

    39.6 x 53.5 cm (mount)

  • Printed title:

    HOOGE MOET / SELDE GOET. [centre of text]

    Additional text:

    [four columns of text in Dutch and French; two columns of text in French, br:] Pourtraict du memorable Combat â Cheval lez certain Village / nommé Vucht, a une lieu de Bois-le-duc, entre le Vaillant Seigur. / de Breauté Gentil homme Normand Capitaine d’une Compie de / Curiassiers, au service de Messrs les Estats des Prouinces Unies, et / 21 de sa Compie. Francois dune part et Leckrbeetjen Lieutenant de Sr / Grobbendoncq Gouverneur de Bois le –duc, et 21 Cuirassiers de sa Compie. d’autre / part, anquel le dict Leckerbeetjen, son frere, et autres estans tuez en la premiere / Charge de part et d’autre, le Sr. de Breauté, apres avoir change de Cheval jusques à / 3 fois lestant rendu la vie sauve, puis apres a esté miserabl massacré, de sang froid / avec son Consijn De petit Bosc, par Cōmand de S.r Grobbendoncq le 5d Feb’ Lan 1600.


    George III heading: Vucht 1600.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil, erased:] 1600. (Verso) none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Vucht Portrait du Combat a Cheval pres de Vucht a une lieu de Bois le Duc entre le Capitaine de Breauté et 21 de sa Compagnie Francoise de Cuirassiers d’une part et le Lieutenant Leckerbeetjen et 21 Cuirassiers de sa Compagnie d’autre part, l’année 1600: par Seb. Vranx. Hugo Allert excudit.

  • Subject(s)

    Vught, North Brabant, Netherlands (51°39ʹ12ʺN 05°17ʹ15ʺE)

    ’s-Hertogenbosch [Bois-Le-Duc], North Brabant, Netherlands (51°41'57"N 05°18'15"E)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    F. van Eekelen, De Slag van Lekerbeetje: Een ‘cause célèbre’ in de zeventiende eeuw, Universiteit Leiden, 2009, PhD thesis

    M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 2738

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024