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Franco-Spanish War (1635-59)

Contemporary maps and prints of the major battles and sieges from 1635 to 1658


View of the siege of Vercelli, 1638 (Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy) 45°19ʹ17ʺN 08°25ʹ11ʺE

published 1638

Engraving; printed on paper; mounted on paper (Mount Type A); gilt edges right and bottom | 34.5 x 43.1 cm (image) | RCIN 722128

A high oblique view/map of Vercelli, besieged from 26/7 May to 6 July 1638 by by Diego Felipez de Guzmán, 1st Marquis of Leganés (1580-1655), Governor of Milan and showing the state of the siege between 26 May and 23 June 1638. Franco-Spanish War (1635-1659). Oriented with east-north-east to top (cardinal points).

Bassano’s dedication to the artillery general Don Martino d’Aragon (d.23 March 1639) notes that he (Bassano) has compiled this little drawing of the siege to illustrate, for the admiration of the whole world, the important part Don Martino had played in the success of the siege.

The death date of d’Aragon is given in Estudios genealógicos, heráldicos y nobiliarios …, Madrid, 1978, vol.II, p.225.

  • Attributed to Cesare Bassano (1583-1648) (printmaker) [bottom right, following on from dedication:] Milano il / di 23. Giugno 1638 / D.V.S. / Duotiss. Ser. / Cesare Bassani


    Leganes, Marquis of
  • Watermark: Map: none visible. Mount: none.

    Condition: three fold lines

  • 34.5 x 43.1 cm (image)

    cropped (platemark)

    33.0 x 43.1 cm (neatline)

    34.6 x 43.1 cm (sheet) (whole object)

    40.8 x 51.6 cm (mount)

  • Printed title:

    Dissegno deli Assedio posto sotto a Vercelli il di 26 Maggio 1638. a’ hore 5. di notte, dall Sig.r Marchese di Leganes Gouernatore, e Cap:o Generale dello Stato di Mil.o per S.M.C. [bottom, below view]


    [top left, a portrait of Diego Felipez de Guzmán, 1st Marquis of Leganés (1580-1655), Governor of Milan. In a cartouche suspended below the portrait:] EXCELL.S D. DIDACVS / PHELIPEZ DE GVZMAИ / MAR. DE IИSVBR.Æ/ PREFECTVS / &c [In a banner across the top of the portrait:] NVMQVAM INCESSANTIBVS INCREMENTIS [Above the banner:] Tot numerat, uictrix Palma, incrementa, quotannos, / Quot Soles, Palmas, Marchio, tot numerat. 


    [bottom right, in rectangular panel:] All Don Martino D’Aragon del Cons.o / di Guerra di S.M Catol.a e suo Capitano / General del Artig.a nel stato di Milano … 

    Additional text:

    [bottom left, in cartouche representing draped material, a key, A-I, L-T, V, to the positions of the quarters of the various officers shown on the view/map.]


    George III heading: Vercelli 26 May – 6 July 1638.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom right, black pencil:] 1638. (Verso) none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Vercelli Dissegno dell’Assedio posto sotto a Vercelli il di 26 Maggio 1638 da’ Ecc. Sig. Marchese di Leganes: da Cesare Bassani, 1638. (with a Portrait of the Marquis de Laganes)

  • Subject(s)

    Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy (45°19ʹ17ʺN 08°25ʹ11ʺE)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3031

    The death date of d’Aragon is given in Estudios genealógicos, heráldicos y nobiliarios … II, Madrid 1978, p. 225

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024