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Other 17th-century conflicts

Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars


A map of Candia, 1667-1669 (Heraklion [Candia, Irákleion], Crete, Greece) 35°19ʹ40ʺN 25°08ʹ36ʺE

1669 or later

Etching and engraving; printed on paper | Scale: 1:7,500 approx. | RCIN 723133

A map of the Venetian town and fortress of Candia, showing the state of the siege works, with the system of trenches and saps, during the final phase of the war and the last three years of the long Ottoman siege, begun in 1648 and continued until the city capitulated on 27 September 1669. Oriented with south to top (cardinal points). Fifth Ottoman-Venetian War or Cretan War (1645-69).

  • Nicolaes Visscher I (1618-79) (publisher) [bottom right of right hand explanatory text:] N: Visscher Excudit.; [below title:] Alles getrocken uyt het Originael, ’t welck de H.r Ridder d’Harcourt self heeft doen teeckenen in en omtrent Candia. Uytgegeven door Nicolaes Visscher.


    Army-Venetian Republic
    Navy-Venetian Republic
  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: one fold line. Verso: water-stained patch from the removal of William Augustus's cipher label

  • Scale: 1:7,500 approx. Scale bar: Schale van 100 Roeden [51 mm =]

    41.6 x 49.7 cm (image)

    42.3 x 50.3 cm (platemark)

    40.4 x 48.7 cm (neatline)

    50.3 x 60.0 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    Afbeeldinghe der Stercke STADT CANDIA, voor de derdemael van ‘t Ottomannische Heyr / Belegert, en verweert door die vande Doorlucht: Rep: van Venetien. / Seer eygentlyck Vertoont met alle Sijne Fortificatien, Afsnydingen, Tegen-Mynen en Galleryen, als oock van alle de Wercken, aenvallen, Approches, bateryn etc. die den / Groote Vizier tegen de selve Stadt heeft doen maecken, in den Iaare 1667, 1668, en 1669 [top corner, in scroll]

    Additional text:

    [Two panels of explanatory text, one left, and one right, of central title. Left hand panel, a key, A-I, K-Z (no U), AA and numbers 2-28:] Verklaeringhe der Letteren en / Cyffergetallen. [Right hand text, key to numbers 29-57] Vervolgh vande Verklaeringhe.


    George III heading: Candia 1667-1669.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom, left of centre, black pencil, in Schultz’s or Mason’s hand?:] 65; centre right, red pencil:] 64; [bottom right, black pencil:] 23 [and, brown ink:] ½C; [top right, black pencil:] 1669; slight offsetting from same print.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Candia Afbeeldinghe der Stadt Candia voor de derdemael van ’t Ottomannische Heyr belegert en verweert door die vande Doorlucht. Rep. van Venetien inden Jaare 1667, 1668 en 1669: uytgegeven door N. Visscher.

  • Subject(s)

    Heraklion [Candia, Irákleion], Crete, Greece (35°19ʹ40ʺN 25°08ʹ36ʺE)

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024