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Other 17th-century conflicts

Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars


View of Candia 1668 (Heraklion [Candia, Irákleion], Crete, Greece) 35°19ʹ40ʺN  25°08ʹ36ʺE


Etching; printed on paper; mounted on paper (Mount Type B); gilt edges top and right | 23.5 x 35.8 cm (image and neatline) | RCIN 723134

A high oblique view of the Venetian town and fortress of Candia, showing state of the siege works, with some of the trenches and saps in 1668 during the final phase of the war and the penultimate year of the long Ottoman siege, begun in 1648 and continuing until the city capitulated on 27 September 1669. Oriented with south to top (cardinal points are incorrect; they show north pointing to the left while the east, which should therefore be pointing to the top, is labelled 'P' for Ponente, so that west and east are reversed). Fifth Ottoman-Venetian War or Cretan War (1645-69)

The dedicatee of this print, Camillo Rospigliosi, was the brother of Clement IX and served as General of the Papal armies. The coat of arms above the dedication shows the four lozenges of the Rospigliosi family with the papal insignia of the mitre and cross keys (this form does not appear to have been used by Clement IX: see RCIN 723136), perhaps representing Camillo's authority as a general of the papal army. The escutcheon is laid down on the cross of the Order of Santo Stefano of which Camillo Rospigliosi was a Knight Commander.

  • Giovanni Battista Falda (1643-78) (draughtsman and etcher) [top centre, below title:] DISEGNATA ET INTAGLIATA DA GIO BATTISTA FALDA DA VALDVGGIA MDCLXVIII / Fatta per relatione di Giuseppe Ripanti Romano già Soldato in Questa Città

    Michele Rossi (fl.1668) (publisher) [bottom right, below key:] Si Vendono al Colleggio Romano in bottega di Michele Rossi / libraro


    Army-Venetian Republic
    Navy-Venetian Republic
    Pope Clement IX (1600-69)
  • Watermark: Map: crown, with six-pointed star above, in circle, the letters A L within circle. Mount: none.

    Condition: heavy brown discolouration from paste around mount

  • 23.5 x 35.8 cm (image and neatline)

    cropped (platemark)

    23.8 x 36.2 cm (sheet)

    26.9 x 39.8 cm (mount)

  • Printed title:



    [bottom right, in cartouche surmounted by the coat of arms, probably of Camillo Rospigliosi:] DEDICATO / AL' et Sig Il Sig.r / CAMILLO BALÌ ROSPIGSI / Generale di San.ta Chiesa.

    Additional text:

    [bottom right, below dedication, in cartouche representing a stone plinth, a key, 1-33:] TAVOLA DELLE COSE PIV NOT / TABILI DI QVEST' OPERA. 


    George III heading: Candia 1667-1669.

    Other annotations: none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Candia Disegno della Citta di Candia assediata da Turchi 1668 da G.B. Falda da Valduggia, 1668: apresso M. Rossi

  • Subject(s)

    Heraklion [Candia, Irákleion], Crete, Greece (35°19ʹ40ʺN  25°08ʹ36ʺE)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Mark McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3254

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024