Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars
Map of Aarsele, Deinze and Wontergem, 1695 (Wontergem, Flanders, Belgium) 50°58ʹ45ʺN 03°26ʹ25ʺE (Aarsele, Flanders, Belgium) 50°59'47"N 03°25'10"E; (Deinze, Flanders, Belgium) 50°58ʹ54ʺN 03°31ʹ51ʺE
published 1695Etching and engraving; printed on paper; laid down on coarse linen | Scale: not stated. 1:21,000 approx. | RCIN 724070
Additional text: [top left, in cartouche representing draped, fringed material, a key, A-I, K-T, V-Z to features of the encampments and landscape, and an order of battle numbered 1-72 which gives the names of the regiments and the numbers of squadrons and battalions where appropriate, and identifies the dragoon regiments with a ‘D’:] EXPLICATION.
Condition: nine fold lines; brown discolouration. Verso: water-stained patch, centre, from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
Jacques Harrewyn (1660-1727) (letter writer and engraver) [top left, following on from text:] J. Harrewyn a gravé ces caracteres / à l’Eau forte.
Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708) (engraver) [bottom right, inside neatline:] J. Harrewyn Amstelodamensis et Discipulus / Rom: de Hooghe fecit Brux: 16 Decem: 1695.
Marchant: Ruë de la Cour, Brussels (Lambert Marchant (active 1668-1702)) (publisher) [top right, following on from title, in title cartouche:] A BRUSSELLES, / Chez LAMBERT MARCHANT Libraire, / Ruë de la Cour.
Army-FranceArmy-Allied army (War of the Grand Alliance, 1688-97)Watermark: A dovecote; countermark: C [?] D in cartouche
Condition: nine fold lines; brown discolouration. Verso: water-stained patch, centre, from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label
Scale: not stated. 1:21,000 approx.
53.2 x 73.4 cm (neatline)
53.8 x 74.0 cm (image)
54.5 x 74.5 cm (platemark)
55.5 x 76.0 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
PLAN / DU CAMP QVE L’ARMÉE / DE SA MAJESTÉ BRITANIQUE / Commandée par / Son Altesse M:r le Prince de Vaudemont, / prit le 30.e du Mois de Juin à Woutergem, comme aussi / de celuÿ qu’Elle prit le 13.e de Juillet à Arseele estant / pour lors forte de 35000 hommes sur l’advis qu’on / eut que l Armeé / DE SA M:té TRES-CHRÉTIENNE / Sous le Commandement / Du Marechal de Villeroy / Venoit à Elle forte de 80000 hommes, le Retranchement / qu’elle fit la nuict, et sa Retraite vers GAND àla veuë des / Ennemis à 6. heures apres midi / le 14.me Juillet 1695. [top right, in cartouche representing draped, fringed material flanked to the left by a victorious Roman soldier with his foot on the vanquished enemy against a background of the artefacts of war]
Additional text:
[top left, in cartouche representing draped, fringed material, a key, A-I, K-T, V-Z to features of the encampments and landscape, and an order of battle numbered 1-72 which gives the names of the regiments and the numbers of squadrons and battalions where appropriate, and identifies the dragoon regiments with a ‘D’:] EXPLICATION.
George III heading: [verso, on a white paper strip:] Encampments at Woutergem and Arseele 30 June – 13 July 1695.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, black pencil:] 13. (Verso) [top right, obscured by canvas, ink:] C [and in black pencil:] 13 [and, on surface of canvas, black pencil:] 13; [bottom right, black pencil, illegible]; [top, right of centre, obscured by linen backing, ink, crossed out in black pencil:] 6. [bottom, left of centre, black pencil, in Schultz's or Mason's hand?, black pencil:] 45.
George III catalogue entry:
Encampment Plan du Camp que l’Armée de Sa Majesté Britannique commandée par le Prince de Vaudemont, prit le 30 de Juin a Woutergem, comme aussi de celui qu’elle prit le 13 de Juillet a Arseele, le Retranchement qu’elle fit la nuit, et sa Retraite vers Gand le 14 de Juillet 1695: par I. Harrewyn, 1695; chez Marchant. [The same entry apears under the headings Arseele and Woutergem.]
Wontergem, Flanders, Belgium (50°58ʹ45ʺN 03°26ʹ25ʺE)
Aarsele, Flanders, Belgium (50°59'47"N 03°25'10"E)
Deinze, Flanders, Belgium (50°58ʹ54ʺN 03°31ʹ51ʺE)
Page revisions
21 July 2024
Current version