Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars
- Franco-Savoyard War (1600-01)
- First Polish-Swedish War (1600-11)
- Dutch Portuguese War (1602-63)
- Monferrat War of Succession (1613-30)
- Huguenot Rebellions or Rohan Wars (1621-8)
- Smolensk War (1632-4)
- Wars of the Three Kingdoms
- Catalan Revolt (1640-59)
- Wars of Castro
- Fifth Ottoman-Venetian War (Cretan War) (1645-69)
- Russo-Polish War (1654-67)
- Second Northern War (1655-60)
- Campaign of Louis XIV against the pirates of the Mediterranean (1664)
- War of Devolution (1667-8)
- Polish-Ottoman War (1672-6)
- Franco-Dutch War (1672-8)
- Scanian or Swedish-Brandenburg War (1675-9)
- War of the Reunions (1683-4)
- Spanish-Barbary Conflicts (1694-1784)