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Other 17th-century conflicts

Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars


Map of Menen and Spiere, 1692-3 (Menen, Flanders, Belgium) 50°47'50"N 03°07'20"E; (Spiere [Espierres], Flanders, Belgium) 50°43ʹ08ʺN 03°21ʹ23ʺE

1720 or later

Etching and engraving on two copperplates, each printed on a separate sheet of paper, joined | Scale: 1:18,000 approx. | RCIN 724056

A map of the French Lines between Menen and Spiere in 1692 and 1693. Nine Years War (1688-97). Oriented with north-east to top.

This map shows the defensive lines which had been constructed by the French since 1690 between the Rivers Lys and Scheldt. The ‘Wirtemberg’ who is referred to in the title was Ferdinand Wilhelm, Duke of Württemberg-Neustadt (1659-1701), who had been given command of 8,000 infantry and 6,000 horse, and was instructed to acquire intelligence of French dispositions in Flanders and especially to note the strength of the Lines between the Lys and the Scheldt, as shown on this map. If he were to find that the Lines were not strongly held, he was to force a way through them and levy fines on the surrounding French countryside.

The publication date of 1720 or later is based on the acquisition by Peter Schenk II of some Visscher's plates in 1720 when the Visscher business, which had been run by his widow after his death in 1702, was wound up (van Egmond, p.44).

Additional text: [bottom, below map in rectangular panels, a key, in Dutch to the left and in French to the right, 1-33, to the redoubts along the lines:] VERKLARING DER CIFFERGETALLEN IN DESE AFBEELDING. // EXPLICATION DES CHIFRES DE CETTE CARTE [bottom left on map, a key, A-H, in Dutch and French:] Verklaring der Letteren inde Platte Grond van MENEN // Explication des Lettres en le Plan de MENIN.

For further reading, see:
J. Childs, The Nine Years’ War and the British army, 1688-1697: the operations in the Low Countries, Manchester, 1991; reprint 2013, pp.227-31.

Condition: three fold lines. Verso: offsetting from same image; top, right of centre, water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
  • Charles Desbordes (active 1693-1706) (draughtsman) [top left, following on from Dutch title:] Getekent door Mons:r Charles Desbordes Ingenieur; [top right, following on from French title:] Designè par Mons.r Charles Desbordes Ingenieur.

    Peter Schenk, the younger (1693-1775) (publisher)

    Nicolaas Visscher II (1649-1702) (publisher) [bottom left, below text:] t’ Amsteldam by NICOLAUS VISSCHER met Privilegie vande Hoog-Mog: Heeren Staten General. Nunc apud Petrum Schenk Iunior. [bottom right, below text:] A Amsteldam chez Nicolas Visscher avec Privilegie des Hauts Puissants les Etats Generals.


    Louis XIV, King of France (1638-1715)
  • Watermark: None

    Condition: three fold lines. Verso: offsetting from same image; top, right of centre, water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label

  • Scale: 1:18,000 approx. Scale bar: Roeden of Thoises. [43 mm =] 400.

    109.1 x 13.5 cm (neatline)

    109.1 x 18.0 cm (image)

    incomplete (platemark)

    114.5 x 25.5 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    AFBEELDING VAN DE LINIEN OF RETRENCHEMENTEN DOOR DEN KONING VAN VRANCKRYK LOUIS DE XIV IN DE JAREN 1692 EN 93 DOEN MAKEN, / van de Reviere de Liße (omtrent Menen) tot aan Davids-Brug, of Pont David, om de Castellenie van Ryßel; en van Davids-Brug tot aan de Reviere de Schelde (omtrent Espierre) om de Balliage van Doornick te dekken tegen 't invallen van de Legers der Hooge Geallieerde, / ende waar ter plaatse de gemelte Linien door den Hertog van Wirtemberg den 18 Iulii in den jare 1693 met een vliegend leger der Geallieerde seer victorieus syn geforceert, het defenderende France Leger geslagen, en op de vlugt gedreven. // REPRESENTATION DES LIGNES OU RETRANCHEMENTS FAITES PAR LES ORDRES DE LOUIS XIV ROY DE FRANCE PENDANT LES ANNÈES 1692 ET 93, / depuis la Riviere du Liße (pres Menin) jusques au Pont David, pour couvrir la Chastelenie de Lille, et depuis le Pont David jusques au la Riviere de l’Escaut (pres Espierre) pour Couvrir le Bailliage de Tournay contre les invasions des Armèes des Hauts Confederèez; / et en quel lieu dites Lignes le 18 Iuillet de l’An 1693 par un Camp Volant, commande par le Duc de Wirtemberg glorieusement fut force, et l’Armee Francoise qui le gardoit mite en fuite. [top, across top of map in rectangular panels; in Dutch and French]

    Additional text:

    [bottom, below map in rectangular panels, a key, in Dutch to the left and in French to the right, 1-33, to the redoubts along the lines:] VERKLARING DER CIFFERGETALLEN IN DESE AFBEELDING. // EXPLICATION DES CHIFRES DE CETTE CARTE [bottom left on map, a key, A-H, in Dutch and French:] Verklaring der Letteren inde Platte Grond van MENEN // Explication des Lettres en le Plan de MENIN.


    George III heading: Lines 1692, 93.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top, right of centre, black pencil, in Schultz's or Mason's hand?:] 43; [top right, black pencil:] *12.; [top right, black pencil, erased:] Netherlands & Lines; [bottom left, black pencil, erased:] Lignes 1692-93; [bottom left, left of fold, black pencil, erased:] 3; [bottom left of centre, along edge, black pencil, erased and partly illegible:] Lines […] 169[?].

    George III catalogue entry:

    Lines Representation des Lignes ou Retranchements faites par les ordres de Louis XIV pendant les années 1692 et 1693 depuis la Lisse pres de Menin jusqu’au Pont David pour couvrir la Chastelenie de Lille; et depuis le Pont David jusqu’a l’Escaut pres d’Espierre pour couvrir le Baillage de Tournay contre les Invasions des Armées des Hautes Confederées: et en quel lieu les dites Lignes furent forcées par un Camp Volant commandé par le Duc de Wirtenberg le 18 Juillet 1693, et l’Armée Francoise qui les gardoit mis en fuite: dessiné par le S.r Desbordes Ing.r chez Visscher et Schenk. 2 feuilles.

  • Subject(s)

    Menen, Flanders, Belgium (50°47'50"N 03°07'20"E)

    Spiere [Espierres], Flanders, Belgium (50°43ʹ08ʺN 03°21ʹ23ʺE)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    J. Childs, The Nine Years’ War and the British army, 1688-1697: the operations in the Low Countries, Manchester 1991, reprint 2013, pp. 227-31

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024