Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars
Map of the Netherlands, 1690-94
published 1744Engraving; printed on paper | Scale: 1:384,000 approx. | RCIN 724046
This map shows more or less the same extent of the geographical area as RCINs 724044 and 724045, but is engraved to a larger scale. While the information on the old camp sites of the 1690s is similar, more place names are included. In addition the geographical co-ordinates, which were engraved in the margins of the earlier maps, have here been linked by lines of latitude and longitude which, in turn, have been made to double up as an alpha-numerical referencing system.
This map, in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, is a revised edition of a map originally published in 1694 which was entitled LES CAMPEMENS / DES ARMÉEs DU ROY / DANS LES PAYS-BAS / DÉPUIS L’ANNÉE 1690. JUSQUES-EN 1694. / dediés à sa MAJESTÉ. / Par le S.r VAULTIER. Com.re Ord.re de l’Artillerie. / et Dressés sur ses memoires. / Par le S.r P. MOULLART SANSON. Geog. Ordinaire du Roy / A PARIS. / Chez l’Auteur aux Galleries du Louvre. / Avec Privil. du Roy. 1694. This includes details of the campaigns for 1690-93 (BNF GE D-15472).
An earlier version of the map was also included in Atlas minor ad usum serenissimi burgundiae ducis. Atlas françois à lusage de monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne contenant les cartes et tables geographique des empires, monarchies, royaumes, et etats du monde which was issued anonymously by Pieter Mortier; several of the maps in this atlas, dating 1693-6, bear the imprint of A.H. Jaillot. See Koeman vol. 3, p.8; Pastoureau (Jaillot ID and IE); Philips 514.
Another early state of the map was issued in Nicolas Sanson's Atlas nouveau contenant toutes les parties du monde published by Pierre Mortier in 1696, vol. 2 and also in another Mortier re-issue of Jaillot's maps dated about 1700. See records 27597, 27599, and 30709 in the Newberry Library Cartographic Catalog database and also RCIN 724045.
Another edition was published in Paris by Robert in 1695 with the words ‘com.re et ord.re de l’Artillerie, et.’ added after Vaultier's name in the dedication, and with the authority statement: ‘dressé par ses mémoires par le S P. Moullart Sanson géographe ordinaire du Roy’.
In 1695 Vaultier wrote Journal des marches campemens, batailles, sieges et mouvemens des armées du Roy en Flandres; et de celles des Alliez, depuis l'année 1690. jusqu'en 1694 inclusivement ... (Veuve Coignard, Paris; Worldcat record; see RCIN 1047812; OCLC number 165763150) and it is possible that the map at RCIN 724044 was published in that volume. A previous edition of this book appears to have been published in 1694 in Paris by Coignard & Couterot (Worldcat record; OCLC number: 313037243) in which Vaultier describes himself as ‘commissaire ordinaire de l’artillerie. It was reprinted in 1740 (Third Edition; Worldcat record) and then about 1750 by Covens and Mortier (Worldcat record).
The map was also published in Observations sur l’art de faire la guerre, suivant les maximes des plus grands generaux, Amsterdam: Francois Honore & fils, 1744.
Additional text: [top right, below scale statement, a key:] Remarques
Condition: one fold line. Verso: bottom centre, waterstained patch, bottom centre, from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
Vaultier (active 1694-5) (cartographer)
Pierre Mouillart-Sanson (active 1692-d.1730) (cartographer)
Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688-1766) (cartographer) [top left, following on from title:] Dressé Par le S.R MOULLART-SANSON, / Revu, corrigé et considérablement augmenté, / Par le S.R ROBERT Géog. Ord.re du Roy. / A PARIS / Chez l’Auteur Quai de l’Horloge du Palais / 1744. / Avec Privilege du Roy.
Army-FranceWatermark: Maltese cross encircled by a chain; countermark, two oval-ended rectangular cartouches:] C [or G] [star with crescent below] R [?] CHARD BV[I?] / AUVERGNE 1742
Condition: one fold line. Verso: bottom centre, waterstained patch, bottom centre, from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label
Scale: 1:384,000 approx. ECHELLES Milles Pas Géométriques ou Milles d’Italie [119 mm =] 30; Lieües Communes d’Allemagne de 4000 Pas Geometriques [119 mm =] 7½; Lieües Communes de France de 2500 Pas Geometriques [119 mm =] 12; Grandes Lieües de F
40.6 x 68.2 cm (neatline)
44.3 x 71.0 cm (image)
44.5 x 71.3 cm (platemark)
48.5 x 74.2 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
THEATRE DE LA GUERRE / DANS LES PAYS-BAS, / où se trouvent / LES COMTÉS DE FLANDRE, DE HAYNAUT, D’ARTOIS, / DE CAMBRESIS, DE NAMUR, LE DUCHÉ DE BRABANT, &c. / dans lequel on à marqué les Campemens des Armées du Roy, / Com[m]andées Par M.r LE MARECHAL DE LUXEMBOURG, suivant les / Mémoires de M.r VAULTIER, Commissaire Ord.re de l’Artillerie. [top left]
Additional text:
[top right, below scale statement, a key:] Remarques
George III heading: Encampments in the Netherlands 1690-95.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top right, black pencil, cropped:] 9 [and:] 1; [bottom, right of centre, black pencil, erased and partly legible:] 47; [bottom right, black pencil:] 1690.4 Cat.; [top, right of centre, erased, black pencil:] Netherlands.
George III catalogue entry:
Encampment Theatre de la Guerre dans les Pays Bas, où se trouvent les Comtés de Flandre, de Haynaut, d’Artois, de Cambresis, de Namur, le Duché de Brabant &.c dans lequel on a marqué les Campemens des Armées du Roy commandées par le Marechal de Luxembourg, depuis 1690 jusques a 1695, suivant les memoires de M. Vaultier: dressé par le S.r Sanson, revu, corrigé et augmenté par le S.r Robert, 1744.
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3 November 2024
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