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Other 17th-century conflicts

Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars


Map of the Rhine, 1696-7

1742 or later

Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on eight sheets of paper, joined; laid down on coarse linen; edged with cerise pink silk; pink linen ties to centre of left edge; three brass rings for hanging, one to the top left, top right, and top centre, are missing | Scale: 1:83,000 approx. | RCIN 724081

A map of the encampments of the French and Allied armies along the Rhine from 1696 to 1697. Nine Years War (1688-97). Oriented with east-north-east to top (cardinal points).

The attribution of the draughtsmanship of this map to Schultz is made on a stylistic basis. In 1743 and 1744, the Allied armies campaigned along the Rhine during the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Schultz made several maps of the area during this period while he was on campaign with Cumberland. Although the basis of this map was from half a century earlier, the information it contained with respect to the topography and choice of camp sites would have been particularly relevant to the campaigns of the 1740s. The original cartographer, C.D. Voisin, was a military engineer in the service of the duc de Choiseul. It is not known what documents generated by Voisin may have been available to Schultz for him to copy.

Small settlements are shown and named; the principal routes between them are drawn as ochre-coloured lines; chateaux, mills, chapel, cemeteries, country estates (censes), ruins, towers and commanderies, glassworks, tile factories, are all indicated. Cultivated land is shown by parallel stripes, vineyards are indicated by the conventional sign of an upright staff with an ‘s’ shaped vine curling around it, marshy land is represented by blue colour in conjunction with a tussock symbol. The River Neckar at Sudenheim is marked as fordable at that point. The map extends from Bingen (Bingen am Rhein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany 49°58ʹ00ʺN 07°53ʹ57ʺE) in the north, to Lauterbourg (Lauterbourg, Alsace, France 48°58ʹ30ʺN 08°10ʹ42ʺE) in the south.

Condition: verso: brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along right edge where the outer part of the roll was exposed.
  • C.D. Voisin (active 1696-7) (surveyor) [bottom centre, following on from title, in title panel:] Levés sur les Lieux par C.D. Voisin, Ingenieur du dit General.

    ? George Augustus Schultz (active 1734-49) (draughtsman)


    Army-Allied army (War of the Grand Alliance, 1688-97)
  • Watermark: Indistinct: crowned shield

    Condition: verso: brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along right edge where the outer part of the roll was exposed

  • Scale: 1:83,000 approx. Scale bar: Echelle de deux Lieües Communes de France, 2 pouces la Lieüe [107 mm =].

    60.3 x 169.3 cm (neatline)

    60.8 x 170.0 cm (image)

    62.1 x 171.2 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    CARTE PARTICULIERE / de Partie / Du PALATINAT, de l’Electorat de / MAYENCE, de l’Evêché de WORMS, de / l’Evêché de SPIRE, & de la Basse ALSACE, / Avec / Les CAMPS, que l’Armée du Roy commandée par / M.r le Mareschal de Choiseul, y a faits pendant les / deux Campagnes des Années 1696 & 1697, / comme aussi / Le CAMP de l’Armée des Alliés, en presence de / Celui de l’Armée du Roy sur le Spirebach, en l’Année 1696, / Et CELUI de l’Armée des Alliés devant Ebernbourg, / en l’Année 1697. [bottom centre, in plain cartouche]


    George III heading: [black pencil:] Military Rhine 1697.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom right, old paper library label, ink:] 1/62.

    K. Mil. dummy sheet:

    [Manuscript ink title:] Carte particuliere dessinée de partie du Palatinat, de l’Electorat de Mayence, de l’Eveché de Worms, de l’Eveché de / Spire, et de la Basse Alsace; avec les Camps que l’Armée du Roy, commandée par le Marechal de Choiseul, y a faits / pendant les deux Campagnes des Armées 1696 & 1697 – comme aussi le Camp de l’Armée des Alliés, en presence de / celui de l’Armée du Roy, sur le Spirebach en 1696 – et celui de l’Armée des Alliés devant Ebernbourg en 1697 - / levée sur les lieux par C.D. Voisin Ing.r 8 petites feuilles / A roll … [black pencil:] 5 Table 2.d / [old heading:] Encampments on the Rhine in 1696 and 1697. 
    Watermark: BUDGEN & WILLMOTT / 1810. 
    Size: 47.0 x 32.6 cm (sheet).

    George III catalogue entry:

    Rhine Carte particuliere dessinée de partie du Palatinat, de l’Electorat de Mayence, de l’Eveché de Worms, de l’Eveché de Spire et de la Basse Alsace: avec les Camps que l’Armée du Roy commandée par le Marechal de Choiseul y a faits pendant les deux Campagnes des Armées, 1696 et 1697: comme aussi le Camp de l’Armée des Alliés en presence de celui de l’Armée du Roy sur le Spirebach en 1696: et celui de l’Armée des Alliés devant Ebernbourg en 1697: levée sur les lieux par C.D. Voisin Ing.r 8 petites feuilles. [The same entry appears under the heading Encampment.]

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024