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Russo-Turkish Wars

The wars of 1735–9, 1768–74 and 1787–92


Map of encampment at Belgrade, c.1788 (Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia) 44°48'14"N 20°27'54"E


Etched map with letterpress text printed on the same sheet of paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:146,250 approx. | RCIN 734104.3.e

A map of the environs of Belgrade showing the location of the encampment of the Austrian army near Semlin (Zemun), 1788. Russo-Turkish War (1787-92); Austro-Turkish War (1787-91). Oriented with north-north-west to top (compass rose).

This is one of fifteen numbered maps and views published by Trattnern relating to the Russo-Turkish War. See RCINs 734104.3.a-d, f-o.

Inset: [bottom, to right of title panel:] PLAN / von / BELGRAD. Scale: 1:41,600 approx. [Belgrade: 24 mm =] 500 Klaft. Size: 5.9 x 8.5 cm (neatline).

Additional text: [bottom left, below title in title panel, a key, A, b-i, k-n, to the topographical and military features on the map. Below map, in French, letterpress key, a-i, k-n, a key to the military and topographical features on the map:] Carte de Belgrade et ses environs.

Condition: flat, no fold lines.
  • Johann Thomas von Trattnern (1717-98) (publisher) [bottom left, between border and platemark:] Wien bei T.E. v’ Trattnern K.K. Buch; [bottom right, below letterpress text:] CHEZ JEAN THOM. Nobl. de TRATTNERN, Impr. et Libr. de la Cour.


  • Watermark: Cropped

    Condition: flat, no fold lines

  • Scale: 1:146,250 approx. Scale bar: Masstab von 2000 Klafter [25 mm =].

    17.1 x 22.5 cm (neatline)

    22.2 x 22.9 cm (image)

    20.6 x 24.4 cm (platemark)

    26.7 x 36.1 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    CARTE / der umliegenden Gegend bei / BELGRAD. [bottom left, in rectangular panel]

    Printed title:

    N.o V. [top right, above edge of border]


    [bottom, to right of title panel:] PLAN / von / BELGRAD. Scale: 1:41,600 approx. [Belgrade: 24 mm =] 500 Klaft. Size: 5.9 x 8.5 cm (neatline).

    Additional text:

    [bottom left, below title in title panel, a key, A, b-i, k-n, to the topographical and military features on the map. Below map, in French, letterpress key, a-i, k-n, a key to the military and topographical features on the map:] Carte de Belgrade et ses environs.



    George III catalogue entry:

    Turky Fifteen Plans of the Operations of the War in Turky between the Russians and Austrians and the Turks, from the of Oct.r 1787 to the of Dec.r 1788: by T.E. v. Trattnern.

  • Subject(s)

    Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia (44°48'14"N 20°27'54"E)

Page revisions

  • 4 June 2024