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Russo-Turkish Wars

The wars of 1735–9, 1768–74 and 1787–92


View of the Battle of Chesma, 1770 (Çeşme, Izmir, Turkey) 38°19'22"N 26°18'23"E


Etching and engraving; printed on paper | 35.2 x 49.4 cm (image) | RCIN 733075.b

A view of the naval Battle of Chesma which was fought in Çeşme Bay on 5-7 July 1770 between the Russian fleet, commanded by Count Orlov, and the Turks, commanded by Admiral Mandalzade Hüsameddin Pasha, resulting in a Russian victory for which Orlow was awarded the victory honorific 'Chesmensky'. Russo-Turkish War (1768-74).

This perspective view of the the Russian and Turkish fleets in Çeşme Bay is one of four plans and views of the battle (see also RCINs 733075.a, c and d). A letterpress description of the action, which accompanied the plans, is at RCIN 733075.e.

Additional text: [bottom, below title, the Russian and French text separated by the coat of arms, a list of the names of the Russian ships:] Noms des Vaisseaux Russes.

These naval prints and maps, with the accompanying text, were formerly kept in a rough buff rag folder, 51.7 x 31.7 cm, on the front of which is written the old heading, and black pencil notes in a modern hand: '[UL Naval N1 should have 75b & d but kept here for consistency] (a to e CMB Jan 87).' This note refers to the former practice of withdrawing strictly non-map material, such as views, from the military map collection and placing them in other collections of themed prints such as naval prints and historical prints.

Condition: one fold line; wear to fold repaired with paper on verso; remains of old guard on verso.
  • Anonymous (draughtsman)

    Alexei Grigorevitch, Count Orlov (1737-1808) (publisher) [bottom right, below French explanatory text:] Selon le dassein approuvé par S.E.M.r le Comte Orlow.


  • Watermark: Strasburg bend and lily, C & I H below; countermark: C & I HONIG

    Condition: one fold line; wear to fold repaired with paper on verso; remains of old guard on verso

  • 26.4 x 49.4 cm (neatline)

    35.2 x 49.4 cm (image)

    37.7 x 51.2 cm (platemark)

    41.3 x 54.5 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    ПЛАНЪ МОРСКАГО СРАЖЕНІЯ МЕЖДУ РОССІЙСКИМЪ ФЛОТОМЪ ПОДЪ ПРЕДВОДИТЕЛБ- / СТВОМЪ ЕГО СІЯТЕЛЪСТВА ГРАФА АЛЕКСѢЯ ГРИГОРЬЕВИ’ІА ОРЛОВА и’ ОТТОМАНСКИМЪ ІЮНЯ 24. / ІЮЛЯ 5. 1770. // PLAN DU COMBAT NAVALE DE LA FLOTTE DE S. M. I. DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES / SOUS LES ORDRES DE S. E. M=R LE COMTE ORLOW GENERAL COMMANDANT / Contre celle des Ottomanns du 5m Juillet 1770. [bottom, below view, Russian and French titles separated by the coat of arms of Catherine II, Empress of Russia (1729-96) reigned 1762-96]

    Additional text:

    [bottom, below title, the Russian and French text separated by the coat of arms, a list of the names of the Russian ships:] Noms des Vaisseaux Russes. 


    George III heading: Naval Engagement in the Bay of Chisme 5 July 1770

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom right centre, black pencil:] 43. [with line above]; [right centre, ink:] 1222. [with line above].

    George III catalogue entry:

    Chisme Bay Plan and View of the Naval Engagement between the Russian Fleet commanded by Count Orlow, and the Turkish Fleet, on the 5th of July: and a Plan and View of the Destruction of the Turkish Fleet by the Russians in the Bay of Chisme on the 7th of July 1770: with a Description. [The same entry appears under the heading Naval Engagement.]

  • Subject(s)

    Çeşme, Izmir, Turkey (38°19'22"N 26°18'23"E)

Page revisions

  • 5 June 2024