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The Seven Years War (1756-63)

Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war


Encampment at Île d'Orléans, 1759

PLAN of the Encampment upon the west End of the Isle of ORLEANS / from the 3.d to the of July, afterwards kept as a Post for an Hospital / and a Deposite for Stores


Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; laid down on linen | Scale: 1:9,600 | RCIN 732103

A map of the British encampment on the Île d'Orléans, 3-8 July 1759. French and Indian War (1754-63). Oriented with north to top (cardinal points).

The face of the map is covered with pencilled one-inch squares which will have been used for copying the detail. Although the use of colour is similar to Debbieg's style, the lettering is in Mackellar's hand. This map appears to be one of the source materials for the compilation of RCIN 732100.

  • Patrick Mackellar (1717-78) (draughtsman) [bottom right, outside border:] Pat. Mackellar Major & Chief Eng.r

    Hugh Debbieg (1731-1810) (surveyor) [bottom right, outside border, surveyor:] Survey’d by Cap.t Debbieg Eng.r

  • Watermark: Strasburg bend and lily; no countermark visible

    Mark, stamped: 878

    Condition: two fold lines; many small tears repaired with paper before being laid down on linen; surface dirt

  • Scale: 1:9,600. Scale bar: Scale 800 Feet to an Inch [151 mm =] 4800.

    44.5 x 48.5 cm (neatline)

    46.4 x 49.1 cm (image)

    46.8 x 52.0 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    PLAN of the Encampment upon the west End of the Isle of ORLEANS / from the 3.d to the of July, afterwards kept as a Post for an Hospital / and a Deposite for Stores [bottom left, in rectangular panel]

    Additional text:

    [bottom left, below title, a key, a-d, to the military features on the map].


    George III heading: Encampment on the Isle of Orleans 3-8 July 1759.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom left, black pencil, erased:] XVI/38-r. (Verso) [bottom right, black pencil:] [?] July 1759; [bottom, right of centre, beneath old heading label, the same inscription?]

    George III catalogue entry:

    Encampment. A drawn Plan of the Encampment upon the West end of the Isle of Orleans from the 3.d to the of July 1759: by Major Pat. Mackellar, chief Eng.r from a survey by Capt.n Debbieg Eng.r [The same entry appears under the heading Orleans.]

  • Subject(s)

    Île d'Orléans, Quebec, Canada (46°55'04"N 70°53'43"W)

Page revisions

  • 14 March 2024