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The Seven Years War (1756-63)

Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war


Map of Germany, 1756-63


One map in two sheets. Engraving; printed from two copperplates on two sheets of paper. | Scale: 1:1,778,100 approx. | RCIN 731066.b

A map of Germany, 1756-63. Seven Years War (1756-63). Oriented with north to top. 

The text below the key to symbols on this sheet (the eastern sheet) explains that against each symbol for a battle (crossed swords) which appear on the small plans, is given the date in day, month, year format. After the date of camps and the capture of towns is given a letter: P, H, A, I, F, S, R, Sa which indicate the captor: Prussia, Hanover, Austria, Imperial, Swedish, Russian, Saxony; B represents Bavaria which joined the Austians in Bohemia. The regimental rectangles representing the French and their allies are left uncoloured, or unfilled, while those of the English and their allies are hatched. In this set the maps are hand coloured to show the English and their allies in red, and the French and their allies in blue.

The author cites the names of several officers to whom he is indebted for information and research, and for sending him their plans. He describes the immensity of the project of engraving all of this material, and of checking for errors and that he has employed skilled artists who have left nothing to be desired.

In Carte d'Allemagne … pour servir a l'intelligence de l'histoire de la guerre by Beaurain. See also RCINs 731066.a, c-bq. 

  • Jean-Baptiste Jacques de Beaurain (1728-c. 1785) (publisher)

    Babel (active 1765) (draughtsman and engraver) [bottom of cartouche at RCIN 731066.a, below canon:] Babel Invenit / et fecit.


  • Watermark: Three names, one above the other

    Condition: nine fold lines; attached to guard, top left, 2.0 cm tear to right margin; part ragged edge to right edge; crease to left edge; surface dirt and worn along folds

  • Scale: 1:1,778,100 approx. [Five scale bars:] ECHELLES Lieues d’Allemagne de 15, au Dégré [41 mm =] 10. Lieues communes de Hongrie de 12. à 13. au Dégré [47 mm =] 10. Lieues communes de Pologne de 20. Dégré [31 mm = 10]. Grandes Lieues de France

    69.3 x 47.5 cm (neatline)

    2.1 x 50.6 cm (image)

    72.8 x 51.3 cm (platemark)

    79.0 x 52.3 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:


    Additional text:

    [bottom right, a continuation of the chronology of events in three columns of text together with a key to symbols used:] REMARQUES [and] Explication des Noms abrégés qui sont dans la Carte.



    George III catalogue entry:

    Germany Carte d’Allemagne pour servir a l’intelligence de l’Histoire de la Guerre entre les Roys de France et d’Angleterre, entre le Roy de Prusse et l’Imperatrice Reine, l’Electeur de Saxe, l’Empire, la Suede et la Russie: dans laquelle on a marqué les Batailles, Combats, prises de villes, et camps qu’on a puy faire entrer: on y a tracé les Routes publiques et joint une Histoire abregée des principaux faits Militaires arrivés tant sur Terre que sur Mer jusqu’aux Traités de Paix: enrichie et entourée de 74 Plans representant les Evenements les plus memorables arrivés pendant le cours de la Guerre commencée en 1755 et finie en 1763: par de Beaurain 1765. 2 feuilles / Another copy of D.o

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024