Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war
Map of Lake George, 1755 (New York, USA) 43°25'33"N 73°42'54"W
1756An eight-page letterpress booklet, paginated 2-5, printed on two sheets folded in half, unstitched | 26.1 x 42.1 cm (sheet; folded to 26.1 x 21.1 cm) | RCIN 731065.b
Letterpress booklet to accompany a map of the battle near Lake George, 8 September 1755 (see RCIN 731065.a). French and Indian War (1754-63).
The 'Advertisement' on the verso of the title gives the details of the author's presence at the battle and is dated at Boston, November 10, 1755. After describing the actions by reference to the 'Prospective Plan', the author states that the purpose of the map of the Hudson's River is 'partly designed for the Direction of Navigation, and partly to convey a more plain Idea of the Difficulty of the Carriage from Lake Albany to Lake George …'.
Thomas Jefferys (c. 1719-71) (engraver and publisher) [on title-page, below title:] By Samuel Blodget, / Occasionally at the Camp, when the Battle was fought. / BOSTON, NEW-ENGLAND, printed; / LONDON, re-printed for T. JEFFERYS, at the Corner of St. Martin’s Lane, / MDCCLVI. / [Price One Shilling].
Samuel Blodget (active 1755) (draughtsman)
Army-GBArmy-FranceWatermark: Dove with outspread wings
Condition: one fold line; unevenly trimmed
26.1 x 42.1 cm (sheet; folded to 26.1 x 21.1 cm)
Printed title:
A / PROSPECTIVE-PLAN / OF THE / Battle near Lake George, / ON THE / Eighth Day of September, 1755. / WITH AN / EXPLANATION thereof; / CONTAINING / A full, though short, History of that important Affair. [title page]
George III heading: Battle near Lake George 8 Sept.r 1755.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
George, Lake Prospective View of the Battle fought near Lake George on the 8.th of Sept.r 1755, between the English and Mohawks under the command of General Johnson, and the French and Indians under the command of General Dieskau: by Samuel Blodget, published by Jefferys 1756: with an Explanation 4.o
New York, USA (43°25'33"N 73°42'54"W)
Page revisions
5 June 2024
Current version