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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army


    Map of Cartagena, 1741 (Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia) 10°23'59"N 75°30'52"W

    published 29 May 1741

    Etching and engraving; printed on paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:41,000 approx. | RCIN 728032

    A map of Cartagena, showing the attacks by the British, commanded by Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon (1684-1757) in March 1741. War with Spain (Jenkins's Ear) (1739-48): part of the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with east to top (cardinal points).

    The combined operations attack, under the command of Admiral Vernon and Brigadier General Thomas Wentworth, on Spanish-held Cartagena, was intended to achieve British control over trade in the West Indies. The action took place between the middle of March 1741 and ended in inglorious defeat by June.

    This view was compiled from materials which pre-dated the final defeat. The documents arrived in London on 17 May (Harding, (2010), p.103) together with letters from Vernon and Wentworth, carried by Captain William Laws. The engraving and publishing of this very detailed view took just twelve days, if the publication date is to be believed. Admiral Sir Charles Wager (1666-1743) to whom this plan is dedicated, was First Lord of the Admiralty 1733-42.

    Additional text: [bottom left, below title, in title panel:] This Plan, I do affirm to be the only true Copy of the Draught, brought over by me to shew / the different Movements of his Majesty's Fleet, laid before the Regency, & the Lords of the Admiralty. / Will: Laws / Will's Coffee House 22d May 1741. [Bottom, below map, in rectangular panel, an extensive explanatory key to the significant features on the map:] REFERENCES.

    Condition: one fold line. Verso: remains of former guard along central vertical fold; left, top and right edges with traces of red paint, possibly from when the map was bound in a volume as item 64 in which the top, leading and probably bottom edges were painted red; some staining and surface dirt.
    • William Henry Toms (active 1723-61) (engraver) [bottom right, between neatline and outer border:] W H Toms Sculp.

      Toms: Union Court, near Hatton Garden, Holborn (William Henry Toms (active c.1723-1761)) (publisher)

      Harding: St. Martin's Lane (S. Harding (1739-41)) (publisher) [bottom left, outside border:] Published May 1741. and Sold by the Proprietors S: Harding on the Pavement in S.t Martins Lane, and W.H Toms Engraver in Union Court, near Hatton Garden Holborn Price One Shilling Plain, & Colour'd two Shillings.


      Royal Navy
    • Watermark: None

      Condition: one fold line. Verso: remains of former guard along central vertical fold; left, top and right edges with traces of red paint, possibly from when the map was bound in a volume as item 64 in which the top, leading and probably bottom edges were painted red; some staining and surface dirt.

    • Scale: 1:41,000 approx. Scale bar: A Scale of English Miles [197 mm =] 5.

      33.5 x 57.6 cm (neatline)

      43.9 x 58.7 cm (image)

      44.1 x 60.2 cm (platemark)

      52.6 x 65.0 cm (sheet)

    • Printed title:

      Most humbly Inscribed / To the R.t Hon.ble SIR CHARLES WAGER, / first Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. / THIS PLAN / Of the Harbour, Town, and Several Forts, of / CARTAGENA. / In which is Exhibited a Perfect VIEW, of the English Fleet, as they / Anchored all along the Coast, in the Bay, near the Town; and also /after they moved and laid under the Forts of S.t Jago, and S.t Philipe, / and at the Boca-chica, or Mouth of the Harbour: Likewise of the / English Ships as they moved in different parts in the Harbour, in order / to lay Siege to the Town. [bottom left, in rectangular panel]

      Additional text:

      This Plan, I do affirm to be the only true Copy of the Draught, brought over by me to shew / the different Movements of his Majesty's Fleet, laid before the Regency, & the Lords of the Admiralty. / Will: Laws / Will's Coffee House 22d May 1741. [bottom left, below title, in title panel]; REFERENCES. [Bottom, below map, in rectangular panel, an extensive explanatory key to the significant features on the map]


      George III heading: Cartagena 4 March - 16 April 1741.

      Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, ink:] 64. [bottom, the printed date of 1740, in the References under ‘D.D.D.’ is crossed out in red ink and the year ‘1741’ is substituted, also in red ink.] (Verso) [top right, ink:] 64; [bottom centre, red pencil:] 6 [the ‘6’ is crossed out in red pencil] 7/18.

      George III catalogue entry:

      Cartagena Plan of the Harbour, Town and Forts of Cartagena; attacked by the English Fleet under Admiral Vernon in March 1741; by W. Laws, 1741.

    • Subject(s)

      Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia (10°23'59"N 75°30'52"W))

    Page revisions

    • 23 May 2024