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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army

    LJ KRAUS (ACTIVE 1740-8)

    Map of Germany, 1740-45


    Engraving and etching; printed on paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:1,300,000 approx. | RCIN 728028.a

    A map of the marches of the Allied army in Saxony, Poland, Bohemia and Bavaria between 20 October 1740 and 25 December 1745. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with north to top.

    The map extends from Berlin (52°31'27"N 13°24'37"E) in the north to Salzburg (47°47'57"N 13°02'38"E) in the south, and from Regensburg (49°00'54"N 12°05'44"E) in the west to Krakow (50°05'00"N 19°55'00"E) in the east. The routes of the marches of different armies in the years 1740-1745 are indicated by rectangles, coloured to indicate the army's nationality, joined by straight lines.

    Additional text: [right, below title cartouche, in rectangular panel, a key to the national identities of the different army marches in the years 1740-1745:] SIGNORVM / quibus in hac mappa vsum est / EXPLICATIO.

    Condition: one fold line; creased. Verso: water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label; the water has caused the red colouring, used on the recto to denote an administrative border, to migrate through to the verso.
    • ?LJ Kraus (active 1740-8) (dedicator and ?cartographer) [dedicated by:] Laur. Jac. Kraus.

      ? Homann's Heirs (1724-1848) (publisher)


      Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)
    • Watermark: None

      Condition: one fold line; creased. Verso: water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label; the water has caused the red colouring, used on the recto to denote an administrative border, to migrate through to the verso

    • Scale: 1:1,300,000 approx. Scale not stated.

      45.7 x 53.7 cm (neatline)

      47.9 x 55.8 cm (image)

      49.8 x 57.9 cm (platemark)

      52.1 x 61.8 cm (sheet)

    • Printed title:

      Serenissimo PRINCIPI DOMINO AC DOMINO / FRIDERICO / MARGGRAVIO BRANDENBVRGI BORVSSIAE / Silesiae, Magdeburgi, Cliviae, Iuliaci, Montium, Stetini, / Pomeraniae, Cassubiorum, Vandalorum, Megapoleos & Crosnae. / Burggravio Noribergae reliq. reliq. / Circuli Franconici Supremo belli Duci et Præfecto trium / legionum & cohortium / Principi ac Domino longe elementissimo / Tabulam hanc geographicam / humillime consecrat / Subjectissimus / Laur. Jac. Kraus. [top right, in rococo cartouche embellished, left, with the artefacts of war and right, with symbols of the arts and humanities and science: a globe, telescope, lyre, dividers and a fortification plan, a musical instrument and an artist's palette; surmounted by a coat of arms, presumably attempting to represent those of the House of Hohenzollern, resting on a maltese cross]

      Additional text:

      SIGNORVM / quibus in hac mappa vsum est / EXPLICATIO. [right, below title cartouche, in rectangular panel, a key to the national identities of the different army marches in the years 1740-1745]


      George III heading: Germany 20 Oct.r 1740 - 25 Dec.r 1745.

      Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top right, black pencil, erased:] [1740-17]45; [bottom right, black pencil:] I; [bottom centre, black pencil:] 42.

      George III catalogue entry:

      Germany Theatrum Belli ab obitu Caroli VI Imperatoris 20 Oct. 1740, usque ad pacem Dresdae 25 Dec. 1745, factam tam in Germania quam Belgio, ob successionem Austriacam gesti: a L.I. Krausio, curantibus Homannianis Heredibus, 1748. 2 tab.

    • Subject(s)

      ​Bohemia [Czech Republic]

      Bavaria [Germany]

      Saxony [Germany]


    Page revisions

    • 6 June 2024