War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of the Netherlands, 1744-5
1745 or laterEngraved on six copperplates and printed on 10 sheets of paper; hand-coloured; manuscript annotations in ink and watercolour | Scale: 1:114,500 approx. [usually given as c.1:110,000.] | RCIN 729004
A topographical map of the Netherlands, showing, in manuscript, the marches and camps of the Allied army during 1744. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48).
Sheets 3, 10, 15 and 16 are particularly crisp impressions and probably represent early pulls from the copperplate. Each of sheets 3, 4, 9 and 10 is printed on two sheets of paper that were skilfully joined together before the map was printed. Sheets 4 and 9 include troop positions from the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14), which have been engraved on the base map, and the positions of the armies at the Battle of Malplaquet (11 September 1709) are engraved on sheet 16.
This map is mounted on two pieces of coarse linen, stitched together, giving the appearance of a dissected map.
Eugène Henri Fricx (1644-1730) (cartographer and publisher)
George Fricx (active 1740s) (cartographer and publisher) [top centre, following on from top left title:] A Bruxelles chez George Fricx ruë de la Madelene Imprimeur de Sa Majest [cropped] 17 [cropped]. [Top right, following on from top right title:] A Bruxelles chez George Fricx Imprimeur de Sa Majeste rue de la Madelene 1745.
François Hancko (active 1741-8) (surveyor and draughtsman) [bottom of manuscript title label:] Fait par Hancko Ingenieur au Servis de Sa Majesté / Britanique.
Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: None visible
Condition: three folds; heavy surface dirt along top edge; bottom centre of top right panel, brown staining from the soaking off of Cumberland's cipher label. Verso: top left panel heavily stained and dirty; the position of Hancko's title label, and the other markings which occur on this panel, together with the waterstained patch and faint shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label, all indicate that, while in Cumberland's collection, this map was stored folded; the large heavy brown stain around the label has been affected by the process of soaking off Cumberland's label, indicating that the removal of the cipher label post-dated the larger stain; heavy surface dirt along the bottom edge is consistent with the map having been later stored as a roll.
Scale: 1:114,500 approx. [usually given as c.1:110,000.] Scale bars: Echelle de deux Lieues de Brabant [97 mm =].
121.5 x 111.7 cm (image and sheet; including gussets)
Printed title:
Title-sheet not present. [Carte des Pays Bas et des Frontières de France.]
Printed title:
Manuscript title:
Carte avec toutes les Campements de L'Armée / des Allieé sous le comandement du Marchalle / Wade: et avec le Camp: François pres de / Courtraÿ sous le comandement du Comte / de Saxe 1744. [a manuscript title, written in red ink on a paper label pasted to the map, bottom right]
Additional text:
L'on peût distinguer les Campements par le chiffres / Les chiffres sont mise ou l'Armeé a fait le front / Les Marche Route sont en bleu. / Les Nations sont distinguéz par les couleurs. / Les Anglois en Rouge. Les Han[n]overiens en jaune / Les Autriche en Verd: Les Hollandois en Orange / Les François en bleu. [bottom right, below manuscript title, manuscript]
George III heading: [bottom left, black pencil] IX/4 Military.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top left, ink, crossed out in red pencil:] Theatre Netherlands; [top centre, black pencil:] 6 [or 9]; [right of centre of top left panel, red pencil:] 30; [bottom centre of top left panel, black pencil:] 30; [centre of top left panel, black ink on a black edged, probably formerly white paper label, in Hancko’s hand:] Carte avec toutes les Campements de L’Armeé /des Allieé Sous le Comandement du Marchall / Wade: et avec le Camp François près de / Courtraÿ Sous Le comandement du Comte / de Saxe 1744 / L’on peût distinguer les campements par les chiffres / Les chiffres sont mise ou l’Armeé a fait le front. Les March Route sont en bleu. / Les Nations sont distinguez par Les Coulers. / Les Anglois en Rouge. Les Han[n]overiens en jaune / Les Autriche en Verd: Les Hollandois en Orange / Les François en bleu. / Fait par Hancko Ingenieur au Servis de Sa Majesté Brita[.].
K. Mil. Dummy Sheet:
Title [ink:] 6 Sheets of Friex's Map of the Netherlands; with the Encampments of the Army of the Allies, / under the command of Marshal Wade; and the French Camp near Courtray, under the command / of the Comte de Saxe, 1744: by Hancko MS. / [ink:] A Roll ...... [black pencil:] 1 Table 2.d [annotated in pencil in a modern hand:] oversize. / [old heading, red ink:] Encampments in the Netherlands 1744 [a contemporary pencilled note after the old heading reads:] Another Copy of this Map. Geography CII/38.
Watermark: BUDGEN & WILMOTT 1810.
Size: 46.9 x 32.5 cm (sheet).George III catalogue entry:
Netherlands 6 sheets of Friex's Map of the Netherlands: with the Encampments of the Army of the Allies under the command of Marshal Wade, and the French Camp near Courtray under the command of the Comte de Saxe, 1744: by Hancko. MS. [The same entry appears under the heading Encampment.]
Brabant [Belgium]
Flanders [Belgium]
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version