War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of the Netherlands, 1744
1744 or laterPencil, pen, ink, watercolour and grey wash on three sheets of paper, previously joined; laid down on coarse linen | Scale: 1:115,750 approx. | RCIN 729005
The key to the symbols used for the troops explains that the positions that are drawn in black mark the camps on the outward march, while those in colour represent the camps on the return journey.
The charming vignette of camp life, so typical of J.C. Treu’s work, shows a ruined farmhouse, surrounded by fascines, suggesting that it had been reinforced as a defensive position during some attack. In the foreground, two men converse with a seated woman, while two others cut wood, perhaps for the fires of the camp in the background.
The order of battle of the Allied army in Flanders gives the General Officers of the First Line as Marechaux Duc d’Arenberg, C[omte] Moritz, Nassau (as Commander-in-Chief of the Dutch), Feldt Marechal Wade; Generaux Gincsel, Wendt, Honÿwood; Lieutenant-Generaux Courriere, Hessen, Philipsdall, Wand, Duin, La Roque, Schmissart, Geisrücs, Sommerfeldt, Ligonier, Campbel; Major-Generaux Schack, Hompesch, Brackel, Constandt, Rumpf, Lanoÿ, Ariosti, Soubiron, Campbel, Pultenaÿ, Wendworck, Lonnaÿ, Montigni, Albemarle; Brigadiers M.H.v. Oyen, Schagen, Vribergen, Salis, Halckel, Effern, Bourmania, Leiden, Sckelton, Churchill, Craufort, Bland.
The General Officers of the Second Line are General Baron v. Cronstrom; Lieutenant-Generaux Coenders, Schwartzenberg, Aÿlva, Ilten, Hawleg; Major-Generaux Pschioffskÿ, Sandoville, Matche, Lewe, Villater, Mac:Hugo, Gemming, Zastrow, Howard, Onslow, St. Clair, Hammerstein, Grothe, Rothes; Brigadier-Generaux P.H.v. Oÿen, Schlippenbach, Evertsen, Sturler, Elias Rode, Heckern, Böselager, Ingolsbÿ.
A squadron from Lord Sempill's regiment is placed between the brigades of cavalry of the First and Second Lines. The Allied artillery is placed between the Second Line and the Corps de Reserve which is commanded by Lieutenant-General Barnaÿ and Major-General Torgatsch.
A recapitulation gives 59 squadrons and 38 battalions for the First Line and 55 squadrons and 32 battalions for the Second Line. The artillery have 71 pontoons [wagons], 116 cannons and 12 howitzers.
Insets: [bottom centre, in a cartouche representing a stone plinth, flanked on the left by the artefacts of war, and on the right by a vignette of a camp scene:] ORDRE DE BATTAILLE DE L'ARMEÉ [sic] DES ALLIÉS EN FLANDRE Anno 1744.
Additional text: [top, above map, an account of the movements of the army in 1744:] JOURNAL / Des mouvemens et marches que l'Armeé des Alliés a fait pendant la Campagne / de l'Année 1744, tant dans les Brabant que dans la Flandre. [top right of map, a key to colours:] Explication / des Couleurs par les quels / le differens corps sont distingué [drawn key] et ce qui est marqué par des Raÿes noir / marque les Camps des trouppes en allant / et ce qui est illumine signifie Leur Retour. [The English are in red, Hanoverians in yellow, Austrians in green, and Dutch in blue.]
Condition: two fold lines; brown discolouration; surface dirt. Verso: brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along left edge, consistent with having been rolled; heavy surface dirt top right, consistent with being left folded, with another map on top.
Johann Carl Treu (active 1744-6) (draughtsman) [top left, below title:] par Jann Charl Treu / Ingenieur et Volontair.
Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Army-GBArmy-HanoverArmy-DutchArmy-AustriaWatermark: None visible
Condition: two fold lines; brown discolouration; surface dirt. Verso: brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along left edge, consistent with having been rolled; heavy surface dirt top right, consistent with being left folded, with another map on top
Scale: 1:115,750 approx. Scale bar: Echelle de deux Lieues des Braband [96 mm =].
44.0 x 91.1 cm (neatline)
67.0 x 92.0 cm (image)
72.9 x 97.8 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
CARTE GEOGRAPHIQUE / de la Campagne du Brabant et de la Flandre / pour l'annee 1744 Contenant un Journal exacte de meme touts / les Camps, marches et conter marches de l'Armée des Allies. [top left]
ORDRE DE BATTAILLE DE L'ARMEÉ [sic] DES ALLIÉS EN FLANDRE Anno 1744. [bottom centre, in a cartouche representing a stone plinth, flanked on the left by the artefacts of war, and on the right by a vignette of a camp scene]
Additional text:
JOURNAL / Des mouvemens et marches que l'Armeé des Alliés a fait pendant la Campagne / de l'Année 1744, tant dans les Brabant que dans la Flandre. [top, above map, an account of the movements of the army in 1744]; Explication / des Couleurs par les quels / le differens corps sont distingué [drawn key] et ce qui est marqué par des Raÿes noir / marque les Camps des trouppes en allant / et ce qui est illumine signifie Leur Retour. [top right of map, a key to colours] [The English are in red, Hanoverians in yellow, Austrians in green, and Dutch in blue.]
George III heading: [black pencil] Netherlands 1744
Other annotations (Recto) [bottom right, black pencil:] IX/5 Military. (Verso) [top, right of centre, blue biro on 1980s red-printed Royal Library label (missing from 2013):] IX 5 Brabant Netherlands Encampment; [along right edge, ink, crossed out in red ink:] Brabant & Flanders & Theatre; [right, below centre, black pencil:] L [and] Brabant.
K. Mil. Dummy Sheet:
Title [ink:] Carte Geographique dessinée de la Campagne du Brabant et de la Flandre / pour l'année 1744; contenant un Journal exact de tous les Camps, Marches, / et contre-marches de l'Armée des Alliés [sic], et l'Ordre de Bataille de la meme / Armée en 1744: par I.C. Treu Ing.r / [ink:] A Roll ...... [pencil:] 5 Table 2.d [annotated in pencil in a modern hand:] Oversize. / [old heading, red ink:] Encampments in the Netherlands and Order of Battle 1744.
Watermark: JWHATMAN 1811.
Size: 46.8 x 32.8 cm (sheet).George III catalogue entry:
Netherlands Carte Geographique dessinée de la Campagne du Brabant et de la Flandre pour l'année 1744; contenant un journal exact de tous les Camps, Marches et Contre Marches de l'Armée des Alliés, et l'Ordre de Bataille de la meme Armée en 1744: par I.C.Treu Ing.r [The same entry appears under the headings Encampment and Order of Battle.]
Flanders [Belgium]
Brabant [Belgium]
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version