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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army


Map of the Netherlands and Oudenaarde, 1744 (Oudenaarde, Flanders, Belgium) 50°51'06"N 03°36'32"E

1744 or later

Etching and engraving with manuscript additions in pencil, pen, ink and watercolour | Scale: printed map, scale bar: Echelle de 3000 pas Communs | RCIN 729006

A map of the encampments of the Allied army in the vicinity of Oudenaarde, 1744, superimposed on a printed map of the Battle of Oudenaarde, 1708. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with north-west to top. The attribution to Schultz is made on stylistic grounds.

The detail of the manuscript additions to the printed map have been trimmed at the edges, indicating that it originally covered a greater geographical area. The camps are shown in the following locations: west of Oudenaarde at Elseghem (Anzegem 50°50'13"N 03°28'40"E) on 4 October 1744; to the south-west and south-east of Melde (Melden 50°48'52"N 03°33'55"E) on 2 June 1744; to the north-east of Oudenaarde on the old battlefield on 6 August; to the north-west of Oudenaarde on 4 October; between Dickelvenne (Dikkelvenne 50°55'09"N 03°41'42"E) and Vürste (Vurste 50°56'35"N 03°40'59"E) in June.

The map is printed from one copperplate on one sheet of paper with manuscript extensions on a further five pieces which were then joined.

Condition: several fold lines; very worn along folds; edges trimmed; substantial brown discolouration to both sides. Verso, left of old heading: water-stained patch and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label; surface dirt.
  • George Augustus Schultz (active 1734-49) (draughtsman)


    Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)
  • Watermark: Printed map: Britannia? Manuscript extension: Strasburg bend and lily; countermark: GL.

    Mark, stamped: 353

    Condition: several fold lines; very worn along folds; edges trimmed; substantial brown discolouration to both sides. Verso, left of old heading: water-stained patch and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label; surface dirt

  • Scale: printed map, scale bar: Echelle de 3000 pas Communs [scale bar obscured, not possible to measure]

    80.9 x 105.0 cm (image and sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    No title

    Printed title:

    Plan de la Bataille d'Oudenaerde du 11 Juillet 1703 Levi sur le lieu par G.L. [Mesburger] Ingenieur. A [?] Chez Eugene Henry Friex, Rue de la Madeleine [?]. [the title cartouche of the printed map has been obscured by part of the manuscript map which has been pasted over it]


    George III heading: Encampments in the Netherlands in 1744.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom, right of centre, red pencil:] 31.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Netherlands Friex's Map of the Battle of Oudenarde, 11 July 1708: with the addition of three MS. sheets containing the Encampments of the Allied Army in 1744. [The same entry also appears under the heading Encampment.]

  • Subject(s)

    Oudenaarde, Flanders, Belgium (50°51'06"N 03°36'32"E)

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024