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War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)

Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands

ANNA BEEK (1657-1717)

Map of encampment and order of battle of allied armies at Douai, 1710 (Douai, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) 50°22'00"N 03°04'00"E

1710 or later

Etching and engraving; printed on paper | Scale: not stated. 1:50,000 approx. | RCIN 726049

A map of the encampments of the Allied army (Great Britain, Dutch Republic, Austria) at the siege of Douai, 23 April to 26 June 1710, by the Allied army, commanded by John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722), resulting in the surrender of the town by the French. War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). Oriented with west to top (compass rose).

The map shows the area to the west and north-west of Douai with part of the line of circumvallation, and the infantry encampments in one line and the cavalry in two lines. Within the line of circumvallation the regiments taking part in the two attacks are named and the commanding officers under the Princes of Orange and Anhalt Dessau are also named. The area covered extends from Lens (50°25'58"N 02°49'40"E) in the north-west to Ognie (Oignies 50°27'47"N 02°59'37"E), and from Faupou (Fampoux 50°18'06"N 02°52'23"E) in the south-west to Douai in the south-east.

The General Officers of the First Line under Marlborough are Le Comte de Tilly; Generals Prince D'Hesse Cassel, Prince D'Orange, Bülou; Lieutenant-Generals Topff, Erbach, Pr: W. D'Hesse, Vittinghoff, Oye, Heyden, Mourray, Van der Beeq, Paland, Rantzau, Witters, Meredith, Argyl, Orcknay, Schoulembourg, Wood, Cadogam, Ross, Lumly; Major-Generals Sax: Heilb:, Chanclous, Starkemb: Pr: Wurtemb:, Brisselvitz, Eck, Hamilton, Ivoy, Ranck, Vegelin, Temple, Nordt, Mackardtnay, S.t Laurens, Pens, Bodtmar.

The General Oficers of the Seond Line under Marlborough are Generals Albemarle, Fagel, Prince Anhalt Dessau; Lieutenant-Generals Hompesch, Atlone, Pr: d'Auvergne, Laleck, Pr: Hess: Homb: Dohna, Collyars, Laudder, Fink, Natzemar; Major-Generals Cralinge, Rechtern, Schmettau, C: Maurice, Du Portal, Grovestein, Keppel, Wertmuller, Vecouse, N: Woudemb: Gouvain, Cron, Borck, De Troussel, Devennes, Portal, Dorffling. The Dutch artillery is commanded by Colonel Yssel; the English artillery is commanded by Colonel Hubkes.

Every regiment of Marlborough's army is named; the immediate commanding officers (probably Brigadiers-General) of the battalions and squadrons are also named. A total of 108 battalions and 158 squadrons.

The General Officers of the First Line of Prince Eugene's army are Generals Le Duc de Wurtemberg, Le Baron de Schoulenbourg, Le Comte Fels; Lieutenant-Generals Aurochs, Gersdorff, Wilckens, Fenniger, Mercy; Major-Generals Pr. de Weissenfeltz, Mülckau, Schwartzel, Boisset, Hohendorff, Sacken, N: Woudenb:, Wassenar, Dahlberg, Fechenbach, Schellard, Altheim, Prince Lobkowitz.

The General Officers of the Second Line of Prince Eugene's army are Generals Spiegel, Comte de Vehlen; Lieutenant-Generals Comte de Lagniaskou, Prince Holst:, Beeque, Bettendorff, Comte Efferen; Major-Generals De Cheuses, Canitz, Keppel, Berner, Sternfels, Zobel, Witgenstein, Schonborn, Vehlen. The artillery is in the rear.

Every regiment of Prince Eugene's army is named; the immediate commanding officers (probably Brigadiers-General) of the battalions and squadrons are also named. A total of 64 battalions and 116 squadrons.

Condition: one fold line; small hole bottom, left of centre. Verso: bottom, right of centre, water-stained patch and shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
  • Anna Beek (1657-1717) (publisher) [top left, below map title, in title cartouche:] à la Haye / Chez Anna Beek / avec Privilege.

    Pieter van Call (active 1706-15) (etcher) [top left, below title, in title cartouche:] P. V. Cal Fe.


    Army-Allied army (War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714)
  • Watermark: None

    Condition: one fold line; small hole bottom, left of centre. Verso: bottom, right of centre, water-stained patch and shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.

  • Scale: not stated. 1:50,000 approx.

    33.3 x 49.6 cm (image and neatline of map)

    34.5 x 50.7 cm (platemark of map)

    23.2 x 49.8 cm (image and neatline of orders of battle)

    23.9 x 50.3 cm (platemark of orders of battle)

    66.5 x 53.5 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    CAMPEMENT / DE L'ARMÉE DES ALLIEZ / pour couvrir le Siege de / DOUAY; / contre l'Armée Françoise / qui vint pour faire lever / le dit Siege, en Juin 1710. [top left in cartouche]

    Printed title:

    Ordre de Bataille / De L'Armée des Alliez sous Son Le Prince et Duc de Marlborough, pour la Campagne de l'An 1710.

    Printed title:

    Ordre de Bataille / De L'Armée des Alliez sous Son Le Prince Eugene de Savoye, pour la Campagne de l'An 1710.


    George III heading: Encampment near Douay and Order of Battle 1710.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top left, black pencil:] 19 [or 61]; [top right, black pencil:] 93.; [bottom, left of centre, black pencil:] 86; [bottom, left of centre, black pencil:] Douay Juin 1710; [right centre, red pencil:] 86.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Douay Campement de l'Armée des Alliés pour couvrir le Siege de Douay contre l'Armée Françoise qui vint pour faire lever le dit Siege en Juin 1710: avec les Ordres de Bataille des Armées Alliées sous le Duc de Marlborough et sous le Prince Eugene de Savoye pour la Campagne de 1710: chez Anna Beek.

  • Subject(s)

    Douai, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°22'00"N 03°04'00"E)