War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14)
Sieges, marches, encampments and famous battles from 1701 to 1712 in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
Map of Italy, 1701-02
1702 or laterEngraving and etching; printed from four copperplates on four sheets of paper; joined; hand-coloured; laid down on two pieces of coarse linen which are stitched together; edged with cerise silk ribbon; two linen ties to top edge; a brass ring for hanging missing from each of the two top corners | Scale: 1:400,000 approx. | RCIN 725002
A map of northern Italy showing the marches, encampments and confrontations of the Allied and French armies in 1701 and 1702. War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). Oriented with north to top (compass rose).
The view, top left, shows Prince Eugene on horseback in the foreground with the Imperial army behind him, during his surprise crossing of the Alps. The arduous nature of the marches is illustrated by the ingenious methods of moving the heavy artillery across forbidding upland terrains – with barrels being winched down precipices, and soldiers struggling up and down mountains, the Imperial standard flying from each eminence. Below this scene, a vignette shows the entry into Cremona of Prince Eugene with 30,000 men, taking Marshal Villeroi and several officers prisoners on 31 January-1 February 1702.
The map extends from Sitten Sion (Sione 46°16ʹ00ʺN 09°36ʹ30ʺE) in the north-west, and from Salzbourg (Salzburg 47°47ʹ57ʺN 13°02ʹ38ʺE) in the north-east, to Finale (45°18ʹ33ʺN 11°34ʹ32ʺE) in the south-west and Rimini (44°03ʹ27ʺN 12°33ʹ55ʺE) in the south-east.
Pierre Mortier (1661-1711) (cartographer) [top of top right sheet, following on from sheet title:] A AMSTERDAM Par PIERRE MORTIER. Avec Privilege. [left of top left sheet, in rectangular panel, adjacent to a large-scale outline of Cremona:] A AMSTERDAM Par PIERRE MORTIER / Avec Privilege. / Il vend le Plan de / CREMONE / en Grand et trés Exact, et Ceux / des autres Villes d’Italie.
Eugene, Duke of Savoy-Carignan (1663-1736) (dedicatee)
Army-FranceArmy-Allied army (War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714)Eugene, Duke of Savoy-Carignan (1663-1736)Watermark: None visible
Condition: four fold lines; discoloured around the edges. Verso: heavy surface dirt along top edge, consistent with the map having been rolled and tied
Scale: 1:400,000 approx. Scale bars: Eschelle Lieües Communes d'Allemagne [64 mm =] 3¾; Grandes Lieües de France [64 mm =] 5; Milles d'Italie [64 mm =] 15; Lieües Communes d'Espagne [64 mm =].
94.6 x 115.8 cm (neatline)
97.3 x 118.2 cm (image)
inside edge platemarks cropped (platemark)
99.5 x 120.3 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
LE GRAND / TEATRE DE LA GUERRE / EN ITALIE / Dressé sur les Memoires des plus Habiles Ingenieurs Suivans les Armées. [one map on four sheets, left of centre of top left sheet]
Printed title:
LE COMTÉ DE TIROL, L’EVESCHÉ et COMTÉ de TRENTE, L’EVESCHÉ DE BRIXEN, et Partie de L’ARCHEVECHÉ DE SALTZBOURG, &c. [above border of top right sheet]
[top, left of centre, following on from title:] Presenté à SON ALTESSE Serenissime / LE PRINCE EUGENE DE SAVOYE / Par son Ttres Humble, et Tres-Obeissant Serviteur / PIERRE MORTIER / Libraire A Amsterdam.
George III heading [black pencil:] Italy 1701.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil:] Military; [bottom right, black pencil:] Italy V/2 1701. (Verso) none.
K. Mil. dummy sheet:
Title [ink:] Le grand Theatre de la Guerre en Italie par Pierre Mortier 4 feuilles / A Roll ... [black pencil:] 5 Table 2.d / [George III heading at foot of sheet:] Italy 1701 [annotated in black pencil in a modern hand:] Missing Oct '86 [i.e. 1986] [further annotated in black pencil in Hodson's hand:] Found, now in outsize folder YH 7/12/92.
Watermark: fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, the intertwined letters ‘B&W’ below.
Size: 47.0 x 32.7 cm (sheet).George III catalogue entry:
Italy Le Grand Theatre de la Guerre en Italie, 1701; par Pierre Mortier. 4 feuilles.