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Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648)

Contemporary prints and maps of the battles and sieges of the Eighty Years War

SALOMON SAVERY (1594-1678)

View of the Battle of the Downs, 1639 (The Downs, England) 51°14ʹ00ʺN 01°26ʹ00ʺE

published 1640

Etching and engraving; printed from two copperplates on two sheets of paper then joined; mounted on paper. Discoloured. | 41.5 x 106.0 cm (image) | RCIN 722145.a

A middle oblique view of the naval Battle of the Downs, fought on 21 October 1639 between the Dutch fleet, commanded by Admiral Martin Harpertszoon Tromp (23 April 1598-10 August 1653) and Admiral Witte Corneliszoon de With (28 March 1599-8 November 1658), and the Spanish, commanded by Antonio de Oquendo(October 1577-7 June 1640), resulting in a Dutch victory. Eighty Years War (1568-1648). Oriented with west to top.

This print shows the battle in progress, set against the background of the English coast from Romney Marsh, through Dover harbour, Dover Castle, Walmer Castle, Sandown Castle, Sandwich and Margate.

The stern of Admiral Tromp’s ship (marked ‘A’), is seen bottom left bearing down on the Portuguese Admiral’s vessel to the left (marked ‘B’). The explanation to the letters on the view is given in the accompanying letterpress text at RCIN 722145.c.

  • Salomon Savery (1594-1678) (engraver and publisher) [bottom left, on the end of a floating barrel:] A. Verwer inuent / S. Saurij Fecit, / et excudit.

    Abraham de Verwer (c. 1585-1650) (draughtsman) [bottom left, on the end of a floating barrel:] A. Verwer inuent / S. Saurij Fecit, / et excudit.


    Martin Harpertszoon Tromp, Adm/Holland and Westfriesland (1598-1653)
    Antonio de Oquendo (1577-1640)
  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: two fold lines; 7.2 cm tear to bottom of left fold; heavy brown discoloration and staining to both sides

  • 41.5 x 106.0 cm (image)

    cropped (platemark)

    41.8 x 106.4 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    Cort ende vvarachtigh Verhael, / Vande verwonderlicke Schip-strijdt voor-gevallen / op den 21 en 22 October 1639. tusschen de Armade vande / Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, onder het beleydt / vanden E. Heer MARTEN HARPERSZ. TROMP, Luytenant Admi- / rael over Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, bestaende in 111 Schepen, onder / de welcke waren eenighe soo vande Oost ende West-Indische als Directeurs / Schepen ter eender: ende DON ANTONIO d’OQVENDO, Admirael / Generael van weghen den Koninck van Spagnien … [no title on view; title on accompanying letterpress text (RCIN 722145.c)]


    George III heading: Naval Engagement in the Downs between the Spanish and Dutch on the of Oct.r 1639.

    Other annotations: none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Naval Engagement Ware Afbeeldinge ende Overwinninge vande machtighe Spaensche Armade in Duyns geexploteert door den Admirael M.H. Tromp, 1639 den 21 October: door Abraham de Verwer, by S. Savery. 2 sheets: with a Portrait of Admiral Tromp and a Description.

  • Subject(s)

    The Downs, England (51°14ʹ00ʺN 01°26ʹ00ʺE)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    K. G. Boon and G. S. Keyes, Salomon Savery to Gillis van Schneydel, Amsterdam 1980, pp.13-14 cat. no. 17-1(2)

    E. E. P. Kolfin et al., Gedruckt tot Amsterdam: Amsterdamse prentmakers en –uitgevers in de fouden euw, afb. 29, Amsterdam 2011,  pp.58-119

    M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3058

    F. Muller De Nederlandsche geschiedenis in platen … vol.1, Amsterdam 1863-1882, p. 251, no.1803

    J. van der Waals, Prenten in de Gouden Eeuw: van kunst tot kastpapier Rotterdam 2006, pp.112-113, cat. no. 158

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024