Eighty Years War (Dutch War of Independence) (1568-1648)
Contemporary prints and maps of the battles and sieges of the Eighty Years War
View of the Battle of the Downs, 1639 (The Downs, England) 51°14ʹ00ʺN 01°26ʹ00ʺE
1639 or laterEtching and engraving; printed on paper; laid down on paper and then mounted on paper (Mount Type B); gilt edges top and right | 23.3 x 32.3 cm (image and sheet) | RCIN 722144
A middle oblique view of the naval Battle of the Downs, fought on 21 October 1639 between the Dutch fleet, commanded by Admiral Martin Harpertszoon Tromp (23 April 1598-10 August 1653) and Admiral Witte Corneliszoon de With (28 March 1599-8 November 1658), and the Spanish, commanded by Antonio de Oquendo(October 1577-7 June 1640), resulting in a Dutch victory. Eighty Years War (1568-1648). Oriented with west to top.
This print shows the battle in progress, set against the background of the English coast from Dover to Margate.
Anonymous (printmaker)
Navy-SpainNavy-NetherlandsMartin Harpertszoon Tromp, Adm/Holland and Westfriesland (1598-1653)Watermark: Map: indistinct: a shield. Backing paper: bird standing on three rocks in circle. Mount: none.
Condition: brown discolouration from the adhesive used to attach the backing paper. Pressure marks to recto and verso
23.3 x 32.3 cm (image and sheet)
cropped (platemark)
50.6 x 39.6 cm (mount)
Printed title:
Eigentliche Abbildung und Erklerung deß Ersthafftigen und blutigen Meer Streits, so sich zwischen des Konigs von Hispanien gewaltigen Schiffarmada / unterm gebieth des Konigl. Hispanischen Admirals Don Antonio de Oquendo einens und dan zwischen der Vereinigten Niederlanden in grosser anzahl auffm Meer versambleten Brandt und Kriegs= / Schiffen, unterm commando deß Edlen und Manhafften Admirals Marten Herpensz Tromp, andern theils, unterhalb Engellandt in Duyns, so sich zugetragen. den 21. Octobr. / Anno MDC XXXIX. [across top of print]
Additional text:
[below view, a key, A-I, K-T, V, Y, Z and a-i, k, l.]
George III heading: Naval Engagement in the Downs 21 Oct 1639.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil, underlined:] Fleets Spanish Fleet? [top right, black pencil:] 1639; [bottom right, black pencil:] & see plans in Box II Milit [sic]. (Verso) none.
George III catalogue entry:
Naval Engagement A View of the Naval Engagement in the Downs between the Spanish Fleet commanded by Admiral Don Antonio de Oquendo, and the Dutch Fleet commanded by Admiral M.H. Tromp, on the 21.st of Oct.r 1639. [The same entry appears under the heading Downs.]
The Downs, England (51°14ʹ00ʺN 01°26ʹ00ʺE)
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version